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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 9 five-letter words containing E, I, R and Y

AIERYaiery n. Obsolete form of eyrie.
aiery adj. Obsolete form of aery.
AIERY n. the nest of a bird of prey, also EYRIE, AERIE, AERY, AYRIE.
AYRIEayrie n. Obsolete form of eyrie.
AYRIE n. the nest of a bird of prey, also EYRIE, AERIE, AERY, AIERY.
EYRIEeyrie n. The nest of a bird of prey.
eyrie n. Any high and remote but commanding place.
EYRIE n. a bird of prey's nest, also AERIE, AERY, AIERY, AYRIE, EYRY.
EYRIReyrir n. A subdivision of currency, equal to one hundredth of an Icelandic króna.
EYRIR n. (Icelandic) a monetary unit of Iceland.
FIERYfiery adj. Of or relating to fire.
fiery adj. Burning or glowing.
fiery adj. Inflammable or easily ignited.
KYRIEkyrie n. (Christianity) A short prayer or petition including the phrase kyrie eleison, meaning “Lord, have mercy”.
kyrie n. (Music) A setting of the traditional kyrie text to music for a Mass.
KYRIE n. (Greek) a religious petition for mercy.
REIFYreify v. (Transitive) to regard something abstract as if it were a concrete material thing.
REIFY v. to regard as real or concrete.
RICEYricey adj. Resembling rice.
ricey adj. Containing rice.
RICEY adj. containing rice, also RICY.
RILEYRiley prop.n. (Countable) A surname.
Riley prop.n. (Countable) A unisex given name.
Riley prop.n. A placename.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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