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There are 8 five-letter words containing E, I, Q and U

EQUIDequid n. Any animal of the taxonomic family Equidae, including any equine (Horse, zebra, ass, mule, etc.).
EQUID n. (Latin) any member of the horse family.
EQUIPequip v. (Transitive) To supply with something necessary in order to carry out a specific action or task; to…
equip v. (Transitive) To dress up; to array; to clothe.
equip v. (Transitive) To prepare (someone) with a skill.
FIQUEfique n. A natural fiber, similar to hemp, obtained from the leaves of the plant Furcraea andina and certain…
FIQUE n. a tough natural fibre similar to hemp.
PIQUEpique v. (Transitive).
pique v. (Intransitive).
pique n. (Uncountable) Enmity, ill feeling; (countable) a feeling of animosity or a dispute.
QUIETquiet adj. With little or no sound; free of disturbing noise.
quiet adj. Having little motion or activity; calm.
quiet adj. Not busy, of low quantity.
QUINEquine n. (Computing) A program that produces its own source code as output.
quine v. (Philosophy) To deny the existence or significance of something obviously real or important.
quine v. To append something to a quotation of itself.
QUIREquire n. One-twentieth of a ream of paper; a collection of twenty-four or twenty-five sheets of paper of the…
quire n. (Bookbinding) A set of leaves which are stitched together, originally a set of four pieces of paper…
quire n. A book, poem, or pamphlet.
QUITEquite adv. To the greatest extent or degree; completely, entirely.
quite adv. In a fully justified sense; truly, perfectly, actually.
quite adv. (Especially Britain) To a moderate extent or degree; somewhat, rather.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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