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There are 18 five-letter words containing E, H, L and O

DHOLEdhole n. An Asian wild dog, Cuon alpinus.
d-hole n. (Music) A sound hole, shaped like the letter D, through the top surface of a string instrument.
DHOLE n. an Indian wild dog.
HELIOhelio n. A heliotrope (surveying instrument).
helio- pref. Concerning the sun.
HELIO n. a signalling mirror.
HELLOhello interj. A greeting (salutation) said when meeting someone or acknowledging someone’s arrival or presence.
hello interj. A greeting used when answering the telephone.
hello interj. A call for response if it is not clear if anyone is present or listening, or if a telephone conversation…
HELOShelos n. Plural of helo.
HELO n. (short for) a helicopter.
HELOThelot n. (Historical, Ancient Greece) A member of the ancient Spartan class of serfs.
helot n. A serf; a slave.
HELOT n. a slave or serf.
HOLEDholed v. Simple past tense and past participle of hole.
holed adj. Having one or more holes.
HOLE v. to make a cavity in.
HOLESholes n. Plural of hole.
holes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hole.
Holes prop.n. A surname.
HOLEYholey adj. Having, or being full of, holes.
HOLEY adj. full of holes.
HOLMEholme n. Alternative form of holm.
Holme prop.n. Any of various villages in England.
Holme prop.n. A river in West Yorkshire, England, which flows into the River Colne at Huddersfield.
HOSELhosel n. The portion of the head of a golf club to which the shaft of the club attaches.
hosel n. (Slang) A semester, in the context of a course of study which should be enjoyable as opposed to required work.
HOSEL n. a socket in the head of a golf club into which the shaft is inserted.
HOTELhotel n. (Now chiefly historical) A large town house or mansion; a grand private residence, especially in France.
hotel n. An establishment that provides accommodation and other services for paying guests; normally larger than…
hotel n. (South Asia) A restaurant; any dining establishment.
HOVELhovel n. An open shed for sheltering cattle, or protecting produce, etc., from the weather.
hovel n. A poor cottage; a small, mean house; a hut.
hovel n. In the manufacture of porcelain, a large, conical brick structure around which the firing kilns are grouped.
HOYLEHoyle prop.n. A surname.
Hoyle prop.n. A hamlet in Heyshott parish, Chichester district, West Sussex, England, United Kingdom (OS grid ref SU9018).
HOYLE n. a rule book.
LOCHEloche n. Alternative form of loach (“kind of fish”).
LOCHE n. a fish of the cod family.
MOHELmohel n. (Judaism) The person who performs the circumcision in a Jewish bris.
Mohel prop.n. (Rare) Alternative form of Mohéli (“one of the major islands of the Comoros”).
MOHEL n. (Hebrew) a person who performs Jewish circumcisions.
SHEOLSheol prop.n. (Old Testament) The realm of the dead, the common grave of mankind, Hell. In older English translations…
SHEOL n. (Hebrew) the place of departed spirits, hell.
THOLEthole v. (Intransitive, dated) To suffer.
thole v. (Transitive, now Northern England, Northern Ireland, Scotland) To endure, to put up with, to tolerate.
thole n. A pin in the side of a boat which acts as a fulcrum for the oars.
WHOLEwhole adj. Entire, undivided.
whole adj. Sound, uninjured, healthy.
whole adj. (Of food) From which none of its constituents has been removed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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