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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 8 five-letter words containing E, H, I and M

CHIMEchime n. (Music) A musical instrument producing a sound when struck, similar to a bell (e.g. a tubular metal…
chime n. An individual ringing component of such a set.
chime n. A small bell or other ringing or tone-making device as a component of some other device.
HEMIChemic adj. Of or relating to blood.
hemic adj. Relating to heme.
hemic adj. (Of a peat) Somewhat decomposed.
HEMINhemin n. A reddish brown substance produced in a laboratory test for the presence of blood by reaction with glacial…
hem␣in v. To surround and enclose in a way that restricts movement.
HEMIN n. the red, crystalline salt of haematin with hydrochloric acid, also HAEMIN.
HIEMSHIEMS n. (Shakespeare) winter.
HOMIEhomie n. (African American Vernacular English) Someone, particularly a friend or male acquaintance, from one’s hometown.
homie n. (African American Vernacular English) A close friend or fellow member of a youth gang.
homie n. (African American Vernacular English) An inner-city youth.
MEITHMEITH n. (Scots) a landmark, a boundary.
MICHEmiche v. Obsolete form of mitch.
MICHE v. to play truant, also MICH, MITCH, MOOCH, MOUCH.
RHIMErhime n. Obsolete form of rhyme.
RHIME n. (obsolete) a rhyme.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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