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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 7 five-letter words containing E, G, O and V

GLOVEglove n. An item of clothing, covering all or part of the hand and fingers, but usually allowing independent…
glove n. A baseball mitt.
glove n. (Baseball, figuratively) The ability to catch a hit ball.
GROVEgrove n. A small forest.
grove n. An orchard of fruit trees.
grove n. (Druidism, Wicca) A place of worship.
OGIVEogive n. (Statistics) The curve of a cumulative distribution function.
ogive n. (Architecture) A Gothic pointed arch, or a rib of a Gothic vault.
ogive n. (Weaponry, ballistics) The pointed, curved nose of a bullet, missile, or rocket.
VEGOSvegos n. Plural of vego.
VEGO n. (Australian slang) a vegetarian, also VEGGIE, VEGIE.
VOGIEvogie adj. (Scotland) Proud; conceited; vain.
vogie adj. (Scotland) Happy; pleased or well-disposed.
VOGIE adj. (Scots) vain, proud; merry, cheerful.
VOGUEvogue n. The prevailing fashion or style.
vogue n. Popularity or a current craze.
vogue n. (Dance) A highly stylized modern dance that evolved out of the Harlem ballroom scene in the 1960s.
VOUGEvouge n. Alternative form of voulge.
VOUGE n. a weapon carried by foot-soldiers in the 14th century, consisting of a blade on a staff, also VOULGE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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