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There are 16 five-letter words containing E, F, R and T

AFTERafter adv. Behind; later in time; following.
after prep. Subsequently to; following in time; later than.
after prep. Behind.
FEARTFEART adj. (Scots) afraid.
FETORfetor n. An unpleasant smell.
FETOR n. (Latin) a stench, also FOETOR.
FORTEforte n. A strength or talent.
forte n. The strong part of a sword blade, close to the hilt.
forte adj. (Music) Loud. Used as a dynamic directive in sheet music in its abbreviated form, "f.", to indicate…
FRATEfrate n. A friar.
FRATE n. (Italian) a Franciscan friar.
FREETfreet n. A superstitious notion or belief with respect to any action or event as a good or a bad omen; a superstition.
freet n. A superstitious rite, observance, wont, or practise.
freet n. A charm.
FREITfreit n. (Scotland) A superstitious object or observance; a charm, an omen.
FREIT n. (Scots) an omen, also FREET.
FRETSfrets n. Plural of fret.
frets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fret.
FRET v. to worry.
OFTERofter adv. (Chiefly poetic or dialectal) comparative form of oft: more oft; more often.
OFT adv. often.
REFITrefit n. The process of having something fitted again, repaired or restored.
refit v. (Transitive) To fit again; to put back into its place.
refit v. (Transitive) To prepare for use again; to repair or restore.
RIFTERIVE v. to tear apart.
TERFETERFE n. (Milton) turf, also TERF.
TERFSterfs n. Plural of terf.
TERFs n. Plural of TERF.
TERF n. (Milton) turf, also TERFE.
TREFAtrefa adj. Alternative spelling of treyf.
TREFA adj. (Hebrew) in the Jewish religion, forbidden as food, not kosher, also TEREFA, TEREFAH, TRAYF, TREF, TREFAH, TREIF, TREIFA, TREYF, TREYFA.
TREIFtreif adj. Alternative spelling of treyf.
TREIF adj. (Yiddish) in the Jewish religion, forbidden as food, not kosher, also TEREFA, TEREFAH, TRAYF, TREF, TREFA, TREFAH, TREIFA, TREYF, TREYFA.
TREYFtreyf adj. (Judaism, of food) Not kosher.
TREYF adj. (Yiddish) not prepared according to Jewish law, also TEREFA, TEREFAH, TRAYF, TREF, TREFA, TREFAH, TREIF, TREIFA, TREYFA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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