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There are 16 five-letter words containing E, F, I and N

ELFINelfin n. An elf; an inhabitant of fairy-land.
elfin n. A little urchin or child.
elfin n. Any of the butterflies in the subgenus Incisalia of the North American lycaenid genus Callophrys.
ENFIXenfix v. Alternative form of infix.
ENFIX v. (archaic) to fasten or fix by piercing or thrusting in, also INFIX.
FAINEfaine n. Obsolete spelling of fane.
faine v. Obsolete spelling of fain.
FAINE v. (Spenser) to feign, also FAIN, FAYNE.
FEIGNfeign v. To make a false show or pretence of; to counterfeit or simulate.
feign v. To imagine; to invent; to pretend to do something.
feign v. To make an action as if doing one thing, but actually doing another, for example to trick an opponent; to feint.
FEINTfeint n. (Often military) A movement made to confuse an opponent; a dummy.
feint n. (Boxing, fencing) A blow, thrust, or other offensive movement resembling an attack on some part of the…
feint n. (Figuratively) Something feigned; a false or pretend appearance; a pretence or stratagem.
FENISfenis n. Plural of feni.
FENI n. (Hindi) an alcoholic spirit made from coconuts, also FENNY.
FIENDfiend n. A devil or demon; a malignant or diabolical being; an evil spirit.
fiend n. A very evil person.
fiend n. (Obsolete) An enemy; a foe.
FIENTFIENT n. (Scots) a fiend, a devil.
FINEDfined v. Simple past tense and past participle of fine.
FINE v. to incur a monetary penalty.
FINERfiner adj. Comparative form of fine: more fine.
finer n. One who fines or purifies.
Finer prop.n. A surname.
FINESfines n. Plural of fine.
fines n. Fine particles, whether or not airborne.
fines n. Small particles of cereal at the bottom of a cereal box.
INFERinfer v. (Transitive) To introduce (something) as a reasoned conclusion; to conclude by reasoning or deduction…
infer v. (Transitive, often proscribed) To lead to (something) as a consequence; to imply.
infer v. (Obsolete) To cause, inflict (something) upon or to someone.
KNIFEknife n. A utensil or a tool designed for cutting, consisting of a flat piece of hard material, usually steel…
knife n. A weapon designed with the aforementioned specifications intended for slashing and/or stabbing and too…
knife n. Any blade-like part in a tool or a machine designed for cutting, such as that of a chipper.
NEIFSneifs n. Plural of neif.
NEIF n. (archaic) the fist, also NEAFE, NEAFFE, NEIVE, NIEF, NIEVE.
NIEFSniefs n. Plural of nief.
NIEF n. (archaic) the fist, also NEAFE, NEAFFE, NEIF, NEIVE, NIEVE.
NIFESNIFE n. the earth's hypothetical core of nickel and iron.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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