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There are 8 five-letter words containing 2E and 2T

ETTLEettle v. (Transitive, dialectal, chiefly Scotland) To aim; purpose; intend; attempt; try.
ettle v. (Transitive, dialectal, chiefly Scotland) To expect; reckon; count on.
ettle v. (Intransitive, dialectal, chiefly Scotland) To take aim.
TEETHteeth n. Plural of tooth.
teeth n. (Informal) The ability to be enforced, or to be enforced to any useful effect.
teeth v. Dated spelling of teethe (“to grow teeth”).
TENETtenet n. An opinion, belief, or principle that is held as absolute truth by someone or especially an organization.
TENET n. (Latin) an opinion, principle or doctrine held to be true.
TESTEteste n. (Law) A witness.
teste n. The witnessing or concluding clause, duty attached; said of a writ, deed, etc.
TESTE prep. (Latin) on the authority or testimony of (a specified person).
TETESTETE n. (French) an elaborately dressed head of hair; a headdress.
THETETHETE n. (Greek) in ancient Greece, a serf; a poor freeman under Solon's constitution.
TUTEEtutee n. A student of a tutor.
TUTEE n. one who is being tutored.
TWEETtweet n. The sound of a bird; any short high-pitched sound or whistle.
tweet n. (Social media) An entry posted on the microblogging service Twitter.
tweet v. (Intransitive) To make a short high-pitched sound, like that of certain birds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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