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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 7 five-letter words containing 2E, G and I

BEIGEbeige n. A slightly yellowish gray colour, as that of unbleached wool.
beige n. Debeige; a kind of woollen or mixed dress goods.
beige adj. Having a slightly yellowish gray colour, as that of unbleached wool.
EIGNEeigne adj. (Law, obsolete) eldest; firstborn.
eigne adj. (Law, obsolete) entailed; belonging to the eldest son.
EIGNE adj. (archaic) first born.
GENIEgenie n. (Islam) A jinn, a being descended from the jann, normally invisible to the human eye, but who may also…
genie n. (Mythology) A fictional magical being that is typically bound to obey the commands of a mortal possessing…
Genie prop.n. A male given name Diminutive of Eugene and pet form of Gene.
LIEGEliege n. A free and independent person; specifically, a lord paramount; a sovereign.
liege n. (In full liege lord) A king or lord.
liege n. The subject of a sovereign or lord; a liegeman.
REGIEregie n. A government monopoly, such as on tobaccoo, typically used to raise revenue (via taxes).
REGIE n. (French) a system of Government monopoly, esp. in tobacco.
SIEGEsiege n. (Heading) Military action.
siege n. (Heading) A seat.
siege n. (Obsolete) A place with a toilet seat: an outhouse; a lavatory.
VEGIEvegie n. (Informal) Alternative form of veggie (vegetarian).
vegie n. (Informal) Alternative form of veggie (vegetable).
VEGIE adj. (colloq.) of school subjects, trivial, not taxing, also VEGGIE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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