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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing E, U, W and Y

BAWDYHOUSEbawdyhouse n. Alternative spelling of bawdy-house.
bawdy-house n. (Now chiefly historical, formal) A brothel; a house of prostitution.
bawdy␣house n. Alternative spelling of bawdy-house.
CAUSEWAYEDcausewayed adj. Having a causeway.
CAUSEWAY v. to build a raised roadway over.
CRUISEWAYScruiseways n. Plural of cruiseway.
CRUISEWAY n. a canal for exclusively recreational use.
GUNPOWDERYgunpowdery adj. Resembling or characteristic of gunpowder.
GUNPOWDERY adj. like gunpowder.
HOUSEWIFEYhousewifey adj. (Informal) Resembling or characteristic of a housewife.
HOUSEWIFEY adj. like a housewife, also HOUSEWIFELY.
LUKEWARMLYlukewarmly adv. In a lukewarm manner, tepidly, without enthusiasm.
LUKEWARM adv. moderately warm.
MUGWUMPERYmugwumpery n. (US politics, slang) The acts and views of the mugwumps.
MUGWUMPERY n. the acts and views of a mugwump, a bolter from the Republican party in 1884; a political independent.
POWERFULLYpowerfully adv. In a powerful manner.
POWERFUL adv. full of power.
SLUICEWAYSsluiceways n. Plural of sluiceway.
SLUICEWAY n. an artificial channel into which water is let by a sluice.
UNSWAYABLEunswayable adj. Not swayable.
UNSWAYABLE adj. (Shakespeare) not capable of being swayed.
UNWEARYINGunwearying adj. Untiring; not becoming tired.
UNWEARYING adj. not growing weary.
UNWIELDILYunwieldily adv. In an unwieldy fashion.
UNWIELDY adv. not wieldy.
UNWONTEDLYunwontedly adv. Unusually.
UNWONTED adv. unaccustomed, also UNWONT.
WASTEFULLYwastefully adv. In a wasteful manner.
WASTEFUL adv. tending to waste, also WASTFULL.
WEARIFULLYwearifully adv. In a weariful manner.
WEARIFUL adv. wearisome.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 105 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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