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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing E, 2M and X

AMPHIMIXESamphimixes n. Plural of amphimixis.
AMPHIMIXIS n. interbreeding; intermixing of two individuals' genetic matter.
AXOLEMMATAAXOLEMMA n. the membrane that encloses the axons of a nerve cell, also AXILEMMA.
COMMIXTUREcommixture n. The act or state of being mixed together; a union or mingling of constituents; commixtion.
COMMIXTURE n. the act of mixing.
EXCAMBIUMSEXCAMBIUM n. in Scots law, exchange of lands, also EXCAMBION.
EXTREMISMSextremisms n. Plural of extremism.
EXTREMISM n. the taking of an extreme position.
HEXAMERISMhexamerism n. Six-part radial symmetry.
HEXAMERISM n. the state of being hexamerous.
IMMIXTURESimmixtures n. Plural of immixture.
IMMIXTURE n. freedom from mixture; purity.
MAXIMISERSmaximisers n. Plural of maximiser.
MAXIMISER n. one who maximises, also MAXIMIZER.
MAXIMIZERSmaximizers n. Plural of maximizer.
MAXIMIZER n. one who maximizes, also MAXIMISER.
MELOXICAMSMELOXICAM n. a drug used to treat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
METAXYLEMSmetaxylems n. Plural of metaxylem.
METAXYLEM n. a part of the primary xylem.
MIXMASTERSmixmasters n. Plural of mixmaster.
MIXMASTER n. a disc jockey.
MYXAMOEBAEmyxamoebae n. Plural of myxamoeba.
MYXAMOEBA n. a cell produced by a spore, also MYXAMEBA.
MYXAMOEBASmyxamoebas n. Plural of myxamoeba.
MYXAMOEBA n. a cell produced by a spore, also MYXAMEBA.
MYXOEDEMASmyxoedemas n. Plural of myxoedema.
MYXOEDEMA n. a skin disease, marked by swelling and dryness, due to insufficient thyroid secretion, also MYXEDEMA.
MYXOEDEMICmyxoedemic adj. Alternative form of myxedemic.
MYXOEDEMIC adj. relating to myxoedema, a skin disease, also MYXEDEMIC.
MYXOMYCETEmyxomycete n. Any protozoan of the phylum Myxomycota; the slime molds.
MYXOMYCETE n. slime mould.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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