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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing E, G, V and W

OVERGROWTHovergrowth n. A usually abundant, luxuriant growth over or on something else. A tangle of growth occurring at the…
overgrowth n. An excessive growth or increase in numbers, as in a population of weeds or microbes.
overgrowth n. Excessive size; usually caused by over-production of growth hormone from the pituitary gland.
OVERSEWINGoversewing v. Present participle of oversew.
OVERSEW v. to sew overhand.
OVERSOWINGoversowing v. Present participle of oversow.
OVERSOW v. to sow over.
OVERSWINGSoverswings v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overswing.
overswings n. Plural of overswing.
OVERSWING v. to swing excessively, as in golf.
OVERWEIGHSoverweighs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overweigh.
OVERWEIGH v. to exceed in weight; to overbalance.
OVERWEIGHToverweight adj. (Of a person) Having a higher weight, especially body fat, than what is generally considered healthy…
overweight adj. (Transport, law, of a vehicle) Weighing more than what is allowed for safety or legal commerce.
overweight adj. (Investment, finance, followed by a noun or prepositional phrase indicating a security or type of security)…
OVERWINGEDoverwinged v. Simple past tense and past participle of overwing.
OVERWING v. to fly over.
PREVIEWINGpreviewing v. Present participle of preview.
PREVIEW v. to view or exhibit in advance, also PREVUE.
SURVIEWINGsurviewing v. Present participle of surview.
SURVIEW v. to survey, look over, also SERUEWE, SERVEWE.
SWIVELLINGswivelling v. (Britain) present participle of swivel.
swivelling n. The motion of something that swivels.
SWIVEL v. to turn on a pivoted support.
UNSWERVINGunswerving adj. Not deviating; not yielding or straying or varying.
UNSWERVING adj. not swerving or turning aside.
UNWAVERINGunwavering adj. Not wavering.
UNWAVERING adj. not wavering.
VOWELISINGvowelising v. Present participle of vowelise.
VOWELISE v. to use as a vowel, also VOWELIZE.
VOWELIZINGvowelizing v. Present participle of vowelize.
VOWELIZE v. to use as a vowel, also VOWELISE.
WALDGRAVESwaldgraves n. Plural of waldgrave.
WALDGRAVE n. (German) a former German title of count; a head forest ranger, also WILDGRAVE.
WAVEGUIDESwaveguides n. Plural of waveguide.
WAVEGUIDE n. in electronics, a hollow metal conductor through which high-frequency energy can be propagated efficiently.
WAVELENGTHwavelength n. (Physics) The length of a single cycle of a wave, as measured by the distance between one peak or trough…
wavelength n. (Figurative) A person’s attitude and way of thinking as compared to another person’s.
WAVELENGTH n. the distance in the line of advance of a wave from any one point to the next point of corresponding phase.
WAVERINGLYwaveringly adv. In a wavering way; in a way involving wavering.
WAVERING adv. vacillating.
WILDGRAVESwildgraves n. Plural of wildgrave.
WILDGRAVE n. (German) a former German title of count; a head forest ranger, also WALDGRAVE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 83 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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