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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing E, F, M and W

AFTERSWARMafterswarm n. A swarm of bees that leaves the hive after the primary swarm.
AFTERSWARM n. a second swarm or cast of bees.
FARMWORKERfarmworker n. A person hired to work on the farm or in the agricultural industry.
farm␣worker n. A person who works on, but does not own, a farm; an agricultural labourer.
FARMWORKER n. one who works on a farm.
FLESHWORMSfleshworms n. Plural of fleshworm.
FLESHWORM n. (archaic) a worm or maggot that feeds on flesh.
FLOWMETERSflowmeters n. Plural of flowmeter.
FLOWMETER n. an instrument for measuring the properties of flowing liquids.
FOAMFLOWERfoamflower n. Any of the genus Tiarella of wildflowers and garden plants in the saxifrage family.
FOAMFLOWER n. an American woodland spring-flowering herb.
FOILSWOMENFOILSWOMAN n. a woman who uses or specializes in using a foil.
FRAMEWORKSframeworks n. Plural of framework.
FRAMEWORK n. the skeleton or outline of anything.
FREEDWOMANfreedwoman n. A woman who has been released from a condition of slavery.
FREEDWOMAN n. a woman freed from slavery.
FREEDWOMENfreedwomen n. Plural of freedwoman.
FREEDWOMAN n. a woman freed from slavery.
FRONTWOMENfrontwomen n. Plural of frontwoman.
MAYFLOWERSmayflowers n. Plural of mayflower.
MAYFLOWER n. in England, the hawthorn; in New England, the trailing arbutus; also, the blossom of these plants.
MEADOWFOAMmeadowfoam n. Any of the plants in the genus Limnanthes, flowering annuals native to the western US, especially white…
meadowfoam n. (Uncountable) The industrially-useful oil produced by Limnanthes alba.
MOONFLOWERmoonflower n. Any of several plants that flower at night…
MOONFLOWER n. a tropical flower.
SEMIDWARFSsemidwarfs n. Plural of semidwarf.
SEMIDWARF n. a plant that is half dwarf.
SWIMFEEDERSWIMFEEDER n. a device containing bait, attached to the line to ensure the gradual baiting of the swim from under the surface.
WELFARISMSWELFARISM n. the social policies characteristic of a welfare state.
WIREFRAMESwireframes n. Plural of wireframe.
wire-frames n. Plural of wire-frame.
wire␣frames n. Plural of wire frame.
WOLFRAMITEwolframite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral that consists of a tungstate of iron and manganese; (Fe,Mn)WO4.
WOLFRAMITE n. a tungstate of iron and manganese, the chief ore of tungsten.
WOMENFOLKSwomenfolks n. Alternative form of womenfolk.
WOMENFOLK n. women collectively.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 95 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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