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There are 13 words containing E, J and Q

JACQUERIEjacquerie n. A violent revolt by peasants.
JACQUERIE n. (French) a peasant's revolt, esp. in 1358, the French peasant uprising against nobility.
JACQUERIESjacqueries n. Plural of jacquerie.
JACQUERIE n. (French) a peasant's revolt, esp. in 1358, the French peasant uprising against nobility.
JEQUERITIESJEQUERITY n. the tropical shrub Indian liquorice, also JEQUIRITY.
JEQUERITYjequerity n. Alternative spelling of jequirity.
JEQUERITY n. the tropical shrub Indian liquorice, also JEQUIRITY.
JEQUIRITIESJEQUIRITY n. the tropical shrub Indian liquorice, also JEQUERITY.
JEQUIRITYjequirity n. Abrus precatorius, a legume native to Indonesia with long, pinnate-leafleted leaves, whose toxic seeds…
JEQUIRITY n. the tropical shrub Indian liquorice, also JEQUERITY.
JERQUEjerque v. (UK, historical, transitive) To search (a ship) for unentered goods.
JERQUE v. to search a vessel for contraband.
JERQUEDjerqued v. Simple past tense and past participle of jerque.
JERQUE v. to search a vessel for contraband.
JERQUERjerquer n. A customs officer who searches ships for unentered goods.
JERQUER n. one who searches for contraband, also JERKER.
JERQUERSjerquers n. Plural of jerquer.
JERQUER n. one who searches for contraband, also JERKER.
JERQUESjerques v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jerque.
JERQUE v. to search a vessel for contraband.
JERQUINGjerquing n. (UK, archaic) The searching of a ship for unentered goods.
JERQUING n. a search for contraband, also JERKING.
JERQUINGSJERQUING n. a search for contraband, also JERKING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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