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There are 8 five-letter words containing E, Q and T

QUATEquate adj. (Scotland) quiet.
QUATE n. fortune, destiny.
QUESTquest n. A journey or effort in pursuit of a goal (often lengthy, ambitious, or fervent); a mission.
quest n. The act of seeking, or looking after anything; attempt to find or obtain; search; pursuit.
quest n. (Obsolete) Request; desire; solicitation.
QUIETquiet adj. With little or no sound; free of disturbing noise.
quiet adj. Having little motion or activity; calm.
quiet adj. Not busy, of low quantity.
QUITEquite adv. To the greatest extent or degree; completely, entirely.
quite adv. In a fully justified sense; truly, perfectly, actually.
quite adv. (Especially Britain) To a moderate extent or degree; somewhat, rather.
QUOTEquote n. A quotation; a statement attributed to a person.
quote n. A quotation mark.
quote n. A summary of work to be done with a set price.
QUYTEQUYTE v. (obsolete) to quit, also QUIGHT, QUITE.
TOQUEtoque n. A type of hat with no brim.
toque n. (Specifically) A tall white hat with no brim of the sort worn by chefs.
toque n. (By extension, informal) A chef.
TUQUEtuque n. (Canada) Alternative form of toque.
tuque n. A watch cap.
Tuque prop.n. Ellipsis of La Tuque.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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