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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 6 five-letter words containing E, N and Q

QUEANquean n. (Archaic) A woman, now especially an impudent or disreputable woman; a prostitute.
quean n. (Scotland) A young woman, a girl; a daughter.
QUEAN n. (Scots) a young woman, also QUEYN, QUEYNIE, QUINE, QUINIE.
QUEENqueen n. The wife, consort, or widow of a king.
queen n. A female monarch.
queen n. A woman whose pre-eminence, power, or forcefulness is comparable to that of a queen.
QUENAquena n. (Music) A traditional flute of the Andes.
QUENA n. (Spanish) a type of bamboo flute from the Andes.
QUERNquern n. A mill for grinding corn, especially a hand-mill made of two circular stones.
quern v. (Transitive) To grind; to use a quern.
QUERN n. a hand operated stone mill for grinding corn.
QUEYNqueyn n. Obsolete form of queen.
QUEYN n. (Scots) a young woman, also QUEAN, QUEYNIE, QUINE, QUINIE.
QUINEquine n. (Computing) A program that produces its own source code as output.
quine v. (Philosophy) To deny the existence or significance of something obviously real or important.
quine v. To append something to a quotation of itself.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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