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There are 18 five-letter words containing E, J and R

HEJRAhejra n. Alternative form of hijra.
HEJRA n. (Arabic) the flight of Mohammed from Mecca, also HEGIRA, HEJIRA, HIJRA, HIJRAH.
JAGERjager n. Alternative form of jaeger.
Jager n. Alternative form of jaeger.
Jager prop.n. Alternative form of Jäger: (informal) Jägermeister.
JAKERJAKE adj. (Australian slang) honest, fine.
JAPERjaper n. One who japes; a joker.
JAPER n. one who japes.
JEERSjeers n. Plural of jeer.
jeers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jeer.
JEER v. to mock, also GEARE.
JERIDjerid n. Alternative form of jereed.
JERID n. (Arabic) a wooden Oriental javelin, also JEREED, JERREED, JERRID.
JERKSjerks n. Plural of jerk.
jerks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jerk.
JERK v. to move spasmodically.
JERKYjerky adj. Characterized by physical jerking.
jerky adj. Having the behavior of a jerk (unpleasant person).
jerky n. Lean meat cured and preserved by cutting into thin strips and air-drying in the sun.
JERRYjerry n. (Britain, slang) A chamber pot.
jerry adj. (Dated) Jerry-built.
jerry n. (Ethnic slur) Alternative letter-case form of Jerry: a German.
JIBERjiber n. One who jeers or taunts.
JIBER n. one who jibes, also GIBER.
JIRREjirre interj. (South Africa) Alternative form of yirra.
JIRRE interj. (South African) an exclamation expressive of surprise, admiration, shock, etc., also JINNE.
JIVERjiver n. One who jives.
JIVER n. one who jives.
JOKERjoker n. A person who makes jokes.
joker n. (Slang) A funny person.
joker n. A jester.
JURELjurel n. The jack, edible fish of the genera Caranx or Trachurus.
JUREL n. (Spanish) a kind of food fish.
JURESJURE n. jurisprudence.
RAJESRajes n. Plural of Raj.
RAJ n. in India, sovereignty.
REJIGrejig v. (Transitive) To tweak or rearrange.
REJIG v. to fix something up in a different fashion, also REJIGGER.
REJONREJON n. (Spanish) a lance with a wooden handle, used in bullfighting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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