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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing D, N, O, P, R, S and 2T

DECREPITATIONSdecrepitations n. Plural of decrepitation.
DECREPITATION n. the act of decrepitating.
DIPROTODONTIDSdiprotodontids n. Plural of diprotodontid.
DIPROTODONTID n. an animal of the Diprotodontidae, an extinct family of marsupials including the genus Diprotodon.
DISREPUTATIONSdisreputations n. Plural of disreputation.
DISREPUTATION n. bad repute.
POLYPROTODONTSpolyprotodonts n. Plural of polyprotodont.
POLYPROTODONT n. any member of the Polyprotodontia, the suborder of marsupials, including opossums, dasyures, etc., with many small incisors.
POSTGRADUATIONpostgraduation n. (Followed by noun) After graduation; the time after graduation.
POSTGRADUATION n. the period of time following graduation.
POSTINDUSTRIALpostindustrial adj. Describing the economy of a nation in which manufacturing industry becomes less important and the service…
postindustrial adj. (Music) Of or relating to a genre of music derived from industrial music but with electronic and rock influences.
POSTINDUSTRIAL adj. taking place after an industrial phase.
POSTMODERNISTSpostmodernists n. Plural of postmodernist.
POSTMODERNIST n. a follower of postmodernism.
POSTPRODUCTIONpostproduction n. Alternative spelling of post-production.
post-production n. (Cinematography, television) The stages of film (or audio) production happening between the actual filming…
POSTPRODUCTION n. the period following filming or taping in which a motion picture or television show is readied for public presentation.
PREADAPTATIONSpreadaptations n. Plural of preadaptation.
PREADAPTATION n. a character of an organism or taxonomic group that takes on a function when none previously existed or that differs from its existing function which has been derived by evolution.
PRECONSTRUCTEDpreconstructed adj. Constructed in advance.
PRECONSTRUCT v. to construct in advance.
PREDESTINATIONpredestination n. (Theology) The doctrine that everything has been foreordained by God or by fate.
predestination n. (Calvinism, specifically) The doctrine that certain people have been elected for salvation, and sometimes…
predestination n. Destiny or fate.
PREDESTINATORSpredestinators n. Plural of predestinator.
PREDESTINATOR n. one that predestinates.
PREMEDITATIONSpremeditations n. Plural of premeditation.
PREMEDITATION n. an act or instance of premeditating.
PROCRASTINATEDprocrastinated v. Simple past tense and past participle of procrastinate.
PROCRASTINATE v. to put off intentionally and habitually.
PROGNOSTICATEDprognosticated v. Simple past tense and past participle of prognosticate.
PROGNOSTICATE v. to foretell from signs or symptoms.
PROSTHODONTICSprosthodontics n. Prosthetic dentistry: a specialty of dentistry concerned with the restoration or replacement of damaged…
PROSTHODONTICS n. the provision of false teeth, also PROSTHODONTIA.
PROSTHODONTISTprosthodontist n. One who specializes in prosthodontics.
PROSTHODONTIST n. a specialist in prosthodontics.
PROTRACTEDNESSprotractedness n. The quality of being protracted.
PROTRACTEDNESS n. the state of being protracted.
REPUDIATIONISTrepudiationist n. One who supports a policy of repudiation.
REPUDIATIONIST n. a person who favours repudiation of public debt.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 115 words
  • Scrabble in French: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 37 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 11 words

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