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There are 17 words containing D, M, 2N, 2O, P and T

DECOMPENSATIONdecompensation n. (Medicine) The inability of a diseased or weakened organic system or organ to compensate for its deficiency…
decompensation n. (Psychology) The deterioration of cognitive or emotional functionality in a person who is distressed…
DECOMPENSATION n. the failure of an organ to cope with increasing demands made on it owing to disease.
DECOMPENSATIONSdecompensations n. Plural of decompensation.
DECOMPENSATION n. the failure of an organ to cope with increasing demands made on it owing to disease.
MONOPHTHONGISEDmonophthongised v. Simple past tense and past participle of monophthongise.
MONOPHTHONGISE v. to pronounce as a monophthong, also MONOPHTHONGIZE.
MONOPHTHONGIZEDmonophthongized v. Simple past tense and past participle of monophthongize.
MONOPHTHONGIZE v. to pronounce as a monophthong, also MONOPHTHONGISE.
MONOPHYODONTmonophyodont adj. (Biology) Having only one set of teeth.
monophyodont n. (Biology) Any organism with only one set of teeth.
MONOPHYODONT n. an animal with only one set of teeth.
MONOPHYODONTSmonophyodonts n. Plural of monophyodont.
MONOPHYODONT n. an animal with only one set of teeth.
NONCOMPLICATEDnoncomplicated adj. Not complicated.
NONCOMPLICATED adj. not complicated.
NONCOMPUTERISEDnoncomputerised adj. Alternative spelling of noncomputerized.
NONCOMPUTERISED adj. not computerised, also NONCOMPUTERIZED.
NONCOMPUTERIZEDnoncomputerized adj. Not computerized.
NONCOMPUTERIZED adj. not computerized, also NONCOMPUTERISED.
NONDEVELOPMENTnondevelopment n. Lack of development, or failure to develop.
NONDEVELOPMENT n. something that is not development.
NONDEVELOPMENTSnondevelopments n. Plural of nondevelopment.
NONDEVELOPMENT n. something that is not development.
NONDIPLOMATICnondiplomatic adj. Not diplomatic.
NONDIPLOMATIC adj. not diplomatic.
OPENMOUTHEDNESSOPENMOUTHEDNESS n. the state of being openmouthed.
PREADMONITIONpreadmonition n. Previous warning or admonition; forewarning.
PREADMONITION n. the act of preadmonishing, forewarning.
PREADMONITIONSpreadmonitions n. Plural of preadmonition.
PREADMONITION n. the act of preadmonishing, forewarning.
PREDOMINATIONpredomination n. The act or state of predominating; ascendency; predominance.
PREDOMINATION n. the act of predominating.
PREDOMINATIONSpredominations n. Plural of predomination.
PREDOMINATION n. the act of predominating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 499 words
  • Scrabble in French: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 65 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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