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There are 15 words containing D, L, N, O, P, S and 2T

DISPLANTATIONdisplantation n. The act of displanting; removal; displacement.
DISPLANTATION n. the act of displanting.
DISPLANTATIONSdisplantations n. Plural of displantation.
DISPLANTATION n. the act of displanting.
GLYPTODONTSglyptodonts n. Plural of glyptodont.
GLYPTODONT n. any of a family of extinct South American edentates.
MALADAPTATIONSmaladaptations n. Plural of maladaptation.
MALADAPTATION n. poor or inadequate adaptation.
PENTADACTYLOUSpentadactylous adj. Pentadactyl.
PLATITUDINOUSplatitudinous adj. Characterised by clichés or platitudes.
PLATITUDINOUS adj. characterized by or resembling a platitude, also PLATITUDINAL.
PLATITUDINOUSLYplatitudinously adv. In the manner of a platitude.
PLATITUDINOUS adv. characterized by or resembling a platitude, also PLATITUDINAL.
POLYPROTODONTSpolyprotodonts n. Plural of polyprotodont.
POLYPROTODONT n. any member of the Polyprotodontia, the suborder of marsupials, including opossums, dasyures, etc., with many small incisors.
POLYUNSATURATEDpolyunsaturated adj. (Chemistry) Of or relating to long chain organic compounds that have multiple double bonds; polyunsaturated…
polyunsaturated adj. (Nutrition, of a fat or oil) Having a chemical structure that does not easily change into cholesterol…
POLYUNSATURATED adj. having many double or triple bonds in a molecule.
POSTADOLESCENTpostadolescent adj. Occurring after a period of adolescence.
postadolescent n. One who has grown out of adolescence.
POSTADOLESCENT n. someone just out of adolescence e.g. in their early twenties.
POSTADOLESCENTSpostadolescents n. Plural of postadolescent.
POSTADOLESCENT n. someone just out of adolescence e.g. in their early twenties.
POSTDEVALUATIONpostdevaluation adj. After a financial devaluation.
POSTDEVALUATION adj. taking place after devaluation.
POSTINDUSTRIALpostindustrial adj. Describing the economy of a nation in which manufacturing industry becomes less important and the service…
postindustrial adj. (Music) Of or relating to a genre of music derived from industrial music but with electronic and rock influences.
POSTINDUSTRIAL adj. taking place after an industrial phase.
STILPNOSIDERITEstilpnosiderite n. (Mineralogy) A brownish-black mineral, a form of limonite.
STILPNOSIDERITE n. another name for limonite.
TRANSPORTEDLYtransportedly adv. In a state of transport (Of joy, etc.).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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