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There are 20 words containing D, L, M, O, R, 2S and U

BILDUNGSROMANSbildungsromans n. Plural of bildungsroman.
Bildungsromans n. Plural of Bildungsroman.
BILDUNGSROMAN n. (German) a psychological novel dealing with the early moral development of the protagonist.
CLOSTRIDIUMSCLOSTRIDIUM n. any of a genus of spore-forming mostly anaerobic soil or intestinal bacteria.
DEUTEROPLASMSDEUTEROPLASM n. the food material, such as yolk or fat, within an egg or cell.
DISCOLOURMENTSdiscolourments n. Plural of discolourment.
DISCOLOURMENT n. the act of discolouring, also DISCOLORMENT.
DISHARMONIOUSLYdisharmoniously adv. In a disharmonious manner.
DISHARMONIOUS adv. lacking in harmony.
DISSIMULATORdissimulator n. One who dissimulates.
DISSIMULATOR n. one who dissimulates.
DISSIMULATORSdissimulators n. Plural of dissimulator.
DISSIMULATOR n. one who dissimulates.
MALODOROUSNESSmalodorousness n. The state or condition of being malodorous.
MALODOROUS n. having a bad odor.
SCLERODERMATOUSsclerodermatous adj. Relating to, or exhibiting, scleroderma.
SCLERODERMATOUS adj. hard-skinned; having bony armour.
SCLERODERMOUSsclerodermous adj. Relating to scleroderma.
SCLERODERMOUS adj. hard-skinned; having bony armour.
SCOLOPENDRIUMSSCOLOPENDRIUM n. any fern with undivided leaves of the genus Scolopendrium, including hart's tongue.
SLUMLORDSslumlords n. Plural of slumlord.
SLUMLORD n. a landlord of slum property.
SMOULDERINGSsmoulderings n. Plural of smouldering.
SMOULDERING n. a slow burning.
SMOULDERSsmoulders v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of smoulder.
SMOULDER v. to burn with no flame, also SMOLDER.
SMOULDRIESTSMOULDRY adj. (Spenser) smouldering.
SOMERSAULTEDsomersaulted v. Simple past tense and past participle of somersault.
SOMERSAULT v. to perform a somersault, also SOMERSET, SUMMERSAULT, SUMMERSET.
SUPERDIPLOMATSsuperdiplomats n. Plural of superdiplomat.
SUPERDIPLOMAT n. an exceptional diplomat.
SUPERMODELSsupermodels n. Plural of supermodel.
SUPERMODEL n. a famous and successful fashion model.
ULTRAMODERNISMSultramodernisms n. Plural of ultramodernism.
ULTRAMODERNISM n. an artistic movement beyond modernism.
ULTRAMODERNISTSultramodernists n. Plural of ultramodernist.
ULTRAMODERNIST n. one who practises ultramodernism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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