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There are 16 words containing D, 2L, N, R, T, U and Y

FRAUDULENTLYfraudulently adv. In a fraudulent manner.
FRAUDULENT adv. characterized by fraud.
INDUSTRIALLYindustrially adv. In an industrial manner.
industrially adv. Concerning industry.
INDUSTRIAL adv. related to industry.
PRUDENTIALLYprudentially adv. In a prudential manner.
PRUDENTIAL adv. of or relating to prudence, exercising good judgment.
RUDIMENTALLYrudimentally adv. (Rare) In a rudimental way; involving only the rudiments or basics of something.
RUDIMENTAL adv. rudimentary, also RUDIMENTARY.
STRIDULANTLYstridulantly adv. In a stridulant manner.
STRIDULANT adv. stridulating.
UNTROUBLEDLYuntroubledly adv. In an untroubled way.
UNTROUBLED adv. not troubled.
MULTICYLINDERmulticylinder adj. Having or relating to more than one cylinder.
MULTICYLINDER adj. of an engine, having many cylinders.
CLAIRAUDIENTLYclairaudiently adv. In a clairaudient way; by means of clairaudience.
CLAIRAUDIENT adv. able to hear sounds not actually present, as spirit communications, etc.
INTRAMEDULLARYintramedullary adj. (Anatomy) Inside the medulla.
INTRAMEDULLARY adj. within the bone marrow.
UNCONTROLLEDLYuncontrolledly adv. In an uncontrolled fashion; without control.
UNCONTROLLED adv. not controlled.
UNCRYSTALLISEDuncrystallised adj. Alternative spelling of uncrystallized.
UNCRYSTALLISED adj. not crystallised, also UNCRYSTALLIZED.
UNCRYSTALLIZEDuncrystallized adj. Not in crystal form, not crystallized.
uncrystallized v. Simple past tense and past participle of uncrystallize.
UNCRYSTALLIZED adj. not crystallized, also UNCRYSTALLISED.
UNDRAMATICALLYundramatically adv. In an undramatic way.
UNDRAMATIC adv. lacking dramatic force or quality.
GRANDILOQUENTLYgrandiloquently adv. Showing grandiloquence.
UNADULTERATEDLYunadulteratedly adv. Without adulteration.
UNADULTERATED adv. not adulterated, also UNADULTERATE.
UNTRADITIONALLYuntraditionally adv. In an untraditional manner; not according to tradition.
UNTRADITIONAL adv. not traditional.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 267 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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