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There are 12 words containing D, I, O, 3R, S and T

CARDIOVERTERScardioverters n. Plural of cardioverter.
EXTRAORDINARIESextraordinaries n. Plural of extraordinary.
extra-ordinaries n. Plural of extra-ordinary.
EXTRAORDINARY n. something out of the ordinary.
HYDRARTHROSIShydrarthrosis n. (Medicine) An effusion of watery liquid into the cavity of a joint.
HYDRARTHROSIS n. swelling of a joint caused by the accumulation in it of watery fluid.
IRRADIATORSirradiators n. Plural of irradiator.
IRRADIATOR n. something or someone that irradiates.
OVERSTIRREDoverstirred v. Simple past tense and past participle of overstir.
OVERSTIR v. to stir too much.
PROTERANDRIESPROTERANDRY n. in a hermaphrodite organism, the maturation and loss of the male elements before the female elements develop.
RADIOTRACERSradiotracers n. Plural of radiotracer.
RADIOTRACER n. a radioactive tracer.
RETROGRADATIONSretrogradations n. Plural of retrogradation.
RETROGRADATION n. the act of retrograding.
RUTHERFORDIUMSRUTHERFORDIUM n. an artificially produced radioactive transuranic element.
STRAIGHTFORWARDstraightforward adj. Proceeding in a straight course or manner; not deviating.
straightforward adj. Easy, simple, uncomplicated, without difficulty.
straightforward adj. (Figurative) direct; forthright; frank; sincere.
TERRITORIALISEDterritorialised v. Simple past tense and past participle of territorialise.
TERRITORIALISE v. to organize on a territorial basis, also TERRITORIALIZE.
TERRORISEDterrorised v. Simple past tense and past participle of terrorise.
TERRORISE v. to inflict terror on, also TERRORIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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