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There are 18 words containing D, I, L, 2R, 2T and Y

CONTRADICTORILYcontradictorily adv. In a contradictory manner.
CONTRADICTORY adv. serving to contradict.
DETERRABILITYdeterrability n. The quality of being deterrable.
DETERRABILITY n. the state of being deterrable.
DORSIVENTRALITYdorsiventrality n. The quality of being dorsiventral.
DORSIVENTRALITY n. the state of being dorsiventral.
DORSOVENTRALITYdorsoventrality n. Alternative form of dorsiventrality.
DORSOVENTRALITY n. the state of being dorsoventral.
INTERRELATEDLYinterrelatedly adv. In an interrelated manner.
INTERRELATED adv. INTERRELATE, to bring into mutual relation.
INTERRUPTEDLYinterruptedly adv. In an interrupted manner.
INTERRUPTED adv. INTERRUPT, to break in between.
INTRODUCTORILYintroductorily adv. By way of introduction.
INTRODUCTORY adv. serving to introduce, also INTRODUCTIVE.
IRREDUCTIBILITYirreductibility n. Alternative form of irreducibility.
IRREDUCTIBILITY n. the state of being irreducible.
IRRITATEDLYirritatedly adv. In an irritated manner.
IRRITATEDLY adv. in the manner of being provoked.
POLYARTHRITIDESpolyarthritides n. Plural of polyarthritis.
POLYARTHRITIS n. arthritis affecting several joints.
RADIOTELEMETRYradiotelemetry n. Any form of telemetry that uses radio waves to transmit the data.
radio␣telemetry n. Telemetry by use of radio waves.
RADIOTELEMETRY n. signalling by radiotelemeter, an instrument for measuring an electrical or other quantity and signalling the measurement to a distant point.
REITERATEDLYreiteratedly adv. Repeatedly.
RESTRICTEDLYrestrictedly adv. To a restricted extent.
RESTRICTED adv. RESTRICT, to keep within boundaries.
STRIDULATORYstridulatory adj. (Usually entomology) Able to stridulate, used in stridulating, or adapted for stridulation.
STRIDULATORY adj. of or like stridulation.
TRADITIONARILYtraditionarily adv. By tradition.
TRADITIONARY adv. traditional.
TRIRADIATELYtriradiately adv. In a triradiate manner.
TRIRADIATE adv. three-rayed, also TRIRADIAL.
UNINTERRUPTEDLYuninterruptedly adv. Without interruption.
UNINTERRUPTED adv. not interrupted.
UNRESTRICTEDLYunrestrictedly adv. Without restriction; freely, completely.
UNRESTRICTED adv. not restricted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 329 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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