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There are 20 words containing D, 2I, L, P, T and 2U

DUPLICITOUSduplicitous adj. Given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech.
DUPLICITOUS adj. given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech.
MULTICUSPIDmulticuspid adj. Having multiple cusps.
multicuspid n. A tooth with more than one cusp.
MULTICUSPID adj. having more than two cusps, also MULTICUSPIDATE.
MULTICUSPIDSmulticuspids n. Plural of multicuspid.
MULTICUSPID n. a multicuspid tooth.
DUPLICITOUSLYduplicitously adv. In a duplicitous, two-faced manner.
DUPLICITOUS adv. given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech.
PLATITUDINOUSplatitudinous adj. Characterised by clichés or platitudes.
PLATITUDINOUS adj. characterized by or resembling a platitude, also PLATITUDINAL.
PLENITUDINOUSplenitudinous adj. Characterised by plenitude; abundant.
PLENITUDINOUS adj. full, complete.
QUADRUPLICITYquadruplicity n. A group of four things.
QUADRUPLICITY n. the state of being quadruple.
SUPERFLUIDITYsuperfluidity n. (Physics) The frictionless flow that is characteristic of a fluid with zero viscosity, especially liquid…
SUPERFLUIDITY n. the state of being superfluid.
DISPUTATIOUSLYdisputatiously adv. In a disputatious manner.
DISPUTATIOUS adv. inclined to dispute.
MULTICUSPIDATEmulticuspidate adj. Having more than one cusp.
MULTICUSPIDATE adj. having two or more cusps, also MULTICUSPID.
QUINTUPLICATEDquintuplicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of quintuplicate.
QUINTUPLICATE v. to make quintuple or fivefold.
JURISPRUDENTIALjurisprudential adj. Of or pertaining to jurisprudence.
JURISPRUDENTIAL adj. relating to jurisprudence.
PLATITUDINOUSLYplatitudinously adv. In the manner of a platitude.
PLATITUDINOUS adv. characterized by or resembling a platitude, also PLATITUDINAL.
PULCHRITUDINOUSpulchritudinous adj. (Literary) Having great physical beauty.
PULCHRITUDINOUS adj. beautiful, comely.
QUADRUPLICATINGquadruplicating v. Present participle of quadruplicate.
QUADRUPLICATE v. to make quadruple or fourfold.
QUADRUPLICATIONquadruplication n. Multiplication by four.
QUADRUPLICATION n. the act of quadruplicating.
QUADRUPLICITIESquadruplicities n. Plural of quadruplicity.
QUADRUPLICITY n. the state of being quadruple.
SUPERFLUIDITIESsuperfluidities n. Plural of superfluidity.
SUPERFLUIDITY n. the state of being superfluid.
UNSPIRITUALISEDunspiritualised v. Simple past tense and past participle of unspiritualise.
UNSPIRITUALISE v. to make unspiritual, also UNSPIRITUALIZE.
UNSPIRITUALIZEDunspiritualized adj. Not spiritualized.
UNSPIRITUALIZE v. to make unspiritual, also UNSPIRITUALISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 192 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 8 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 403 words

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