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There are 16 words containing D, 2I, 2L, R and 2T

BLOODTHIRSTILYbloodthirstily adv. In a bloodthirsty manner.
BLOODTHIRSTY adv. eager for bloodshed.
DICTATORIALLYdictatorially adv. In a dictatorial manner.
DICTATORIAL adv. befitting a dictator.
DISTILLATORYdistillatory adj. Belonging to, or used in, distilling.
distillatory n. A distillatory apparatus; a still.
DISTILLATORY adj. relating to distillation.
ELECTRODIALYTICelectrodialytic adj. Relating to electrodialysis.
ELECTRODIALYTIC adj. relating to electrodialysis.
INTERDIALECTALinterdialectal adj. (Linguistics) Between dialects.
INTERDIALECTAL adj. between dialects.
INTERTIDALLYintertidally adv. In an intertidal region.
intertidally adv. Between successive tides.
INTERTIDAL adv. referring to the zone between high and low tides.
INTERTILLEDINTERTILL v. to cultivate between the rows (of a crop).
MIDLITTORALmidlittoral adj. (Geography) In the middle part of a seashore.
MIDLITTORAL n. that part of the seashore that lies between high and low neap tidemarks.
MIDLITTORALSMIDLITTORAL n. that part of the seashore that lies between high and low neap tidemarks.
REDISTILLATIONredistillation n. (Uncountable) The purification of a liquid by means of multiple distillations.
redistillation n. (Countable) A second or subsequent distillation.
REDISTILLATION n. the act of redistilling.
REDISTILLATIONSredistillations n. Plural of redistillation.
REDISTILLATION n. the act of redistilling.
TRADITIONALLYtraditionally adv. In a traditional manner.
traditionally adv. From the beginning.
TRADITIONAL adv. relating to or derived from tradition.
TYNDALLIMETRIESTYNDALLIMETRY n. the determination of the concentration of suspended material in a liquid by measuring the amount of light scattered.
UNTRADITIONALLYuntraditionally adv. In an untraditional manner; not according to tradition.
UNTRADITIONAL adv. not traditional.
VERTICILLATEDverticillated adj. Alternative form of verticillate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 458 words
  • Scrabble in French: 89 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 41 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 175 words

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