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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing D, I, L, O, R, 2S and U

DELETERIOUSNESSdeleteriousness n. The quality or state of being deleterious.
DELETERIOUS n. harmful, injurious.
DELIRIOUSNESSESDELIRIOUSNESS n. DELIRIOUS, mentally confused, esp. through fever or other illness.
DESULFURISATIONDESULFURISATION n. the removal of sulfur or sulfur compounds (as from coal or flue gas), also DESULFURIZATION.
DESULPHURATIONSdesulphurations n. Plural of desulphuration.
DESULPHURATION n. the act of desulphuring.
DESULTORINESSESdesultorinesses n. Plural of desultoriness.
DESULTORINESS n. the state of being desultory.
DISARTICULATORSdisarticulators n. Plural of disarticulator.
DISARTICULATOR n. a device for disarticulating joints.
DISCOLOURATIONSdiscolourations n. Plural of discolouration.
DISCOLOURATION n. the act of discolouring, also DISCOLORATION.
DISHARMONIOUSLYdisharmoniously adv. In a disharmonious manner.
DISHARMONIOUS adv. lacking in harmony.
DOLICHOSAURUSESDOLICHOSAURUS n. any member of the Dolichosauria, a group of Cretaceous fossil reptiles.
HOUSEHOLDERSHIPhouseholdership n. The position or role of a householder.
HOUSEHOLDERSHIP n. the office of householder.
INCREDULOUSNESSincredulousness n. (Rare) Incredulity; the state of being skeptical or in disbelief.
INCREDULOUSNESS n. the state of being incredulous.
LUDICROUSNESSESludicrousnesses n. Plural of ludicrousness.
RIBONUCLEOSIDESribonucleosides n. Plural of ribonucleoside.
RIBONUCLEOSIDE n. a nucleoside containing ribose.
SERENDIPITOUSLYserendipitously adv. By serendipity; by blind luck in combination with wisdom; by fortunate accident.
SERENDIPITOUS adv. obtained or characterized by serendipity.
SOLITUDINARIANSsolitudinarians n. Plural of solitudinarian.
SOLITUDINARIAN n. a recluse.
SPLENDIFEROUSLYsplendiferously adv. In a splendiferous manner.
SPLENDIFEROUS adv. splendid.
ULTRAFASTIDIOUSultrafastidious adj. Extremely fastidious.
ULTRAFASTIDIOUS adj. extremely fastidious.
ULTRAMODERNISMSultramodernisms n. Plural of ultramodernism.
ULTRAMODERNISM n. an artistic movement beyond modernism.
ULTRAMODERNISTSultramodernists n. Plural of ultramodernist.
ULTRAMODERNIST n. one who practises ultramodernism.
UNWORLDLINESSESunworldlinesses n. Plural of unworldliness.
UNWORLDLINESS n. the state of being unworldly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 155 words
  • Scrabble in French: 69 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 51 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 31 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 34 words

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