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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing D, I, O, P, 3S and T

ANTISPASMODICSantispasmodics n. Plural of antispasmodic.
ANTISPASMODIC n. an agent capable of preventing or relieving spasms or convulsions.
CUSTODIANSHIPScustodianships n. Plural of custodianship.
CUSTODIANSHIP n. the office of custodian.
DEIPNOSOPHISTSdeipnosophists n. Plural of deipnosophist.
DEIPNOSOPHIST n. a person skilled in dinner conversation.
DESPITEOUSNESSDESPITEOUSNESS n. the state of being despiteous, spiteful.
DESPOTICALNESSdespoticalness n. The state or quality of being despotical.
DESPOTICALNESS n. the state of being despotical.
DISPENSATORIESdispensatories n. Plural of dispensatory.
DISPENSATORY n. a book listening the composition and appliation of various drugs.
DISPITEOUSNESSdispiteousness n. The state of being dispiteous.
DISPITEOUS n. (obsolete) pitiless, malicious.
HYPOSENSITISEDhyposensitised v. Simple past tense and past participle of hyposensitise.
HYPOSENSITISE v. to cause (a person) to become less sensitive to (a substance producing an allergic reaction), also HYPOSENSITIZE.
INDISPOSITIONSindispositions n. Plural of indisposition.
INDISPOSITION n. the condition of being indisposed.
PERISSODACTYLSperissodactyls n. Plural of perissodactyl.
PERISSODACTYL n. an animal of the Perissodactyla, a division of ungulates with an odd number of toes, including the horse, tapir and rhinoceros, also PERISSODACTYLE.
POSTDEPRESSIONpostdepression adj. After an economic depression.
POSTDEPRESSION adj. after a depression.
POSTMODERNISMSpostmodernisms n. Plural of postmodernism.
POSTMODERNISM n. a movement succeeding modernism.
POSTMODERNISTSpostmodernists n. Plural of postmodernist.
POSTMODERNIST n. a follower of postmodernism.
PSEUDARTHROSISpseudarthrosis n. (Pathology) A bony, flexible structure, resembling a joint, sometimes found after a poorly united fracture.
pseudarthrosis n. (Surgery) A failed fusion after an arthrodesis surgery.
pseudarthrosis n. (Architecture) A groove in a block of stone that simulates a joint.
REDISPOSITIONSredispositions n. Plural of redisposition.
REDISPOSITION n. a new disposition.
SUBEDITORSHIPSsubeditorships n. Plural of subeditorship.
SUBEDITORSHIP n. the office of subeditor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: 39 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 50 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 29 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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