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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing D, 2I, L, O and 3S

DIESELISATIONSdieselisations n. Plural of dieselisation.
DIESELISATION n. the process of dieselising, also DIESELIZATION.
DILATORINESSESdilatorinesses n. Plural of dilatoriness.
DILATORINESS n. the state of being dilatory.
DISFELLOWSHIPSdisfellowships v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disfellowship.
DISFELLOWSHIP v. to exclude from fellowship.
DISILLUSIONISEdisillusionise v. Alternative spelling of disillusionize.
DISILLUSIONISE v. to free from illusion, also DISILLUSIONIZE.
DISORDERLINESSdisorderliness n. The state or quality of being disorderly.
DISORDERLINESS n. the state of being disorderly.
DISSIMILATIONSdissimilations n. Plural of dissimilation.
DISSIMILATION n. the change or omission of one of two identical or closely related sounds in a word.
DISSIMULATIONSdissimulations n. Plural of dissimulation.
DISSIMULATION n. the act of dissimulating.
DISSOCIALISINGdissocialising v. Present participle of dissocialise.
DISSOCIALISE v. to make unsocial, also DISSOCIALIZE.
DISSOCIALITIESDISSOCIALITY n. the state of being dissocial.
DISSOLUTIONISMdissolutionism n. Anarchist and nihilist social theory, taken as a whole or type.
DISSOLUTIONISM n. belief in political dissolution.
DISSOLUTIONISTdissolutionist n. A person in favour of the dissolution of some institution or state of affairs.
DISSOLUTIONIST n. a proponent of dissolutionism.
LIBIDINOUSNESSlibidinousness n. Lechery, lustfulness, the state of being libidinous.
LIBIDINOUS n. having lustful desires; characterized by lewdness.
NONCLASSIFIEDSSorry, definition not available.
REDISSOLUTIONSredissolutions n. Plural of redissolution.
REDISSOLUTION n. the act of dissolving again.
RIDICULOUSNESSridiculousness n. (Uncountable) The characteristic of being ridiculous.
ridiculousness n. (Countable) The result of being ridiculous.
RIDICULOUSNESS n. the state of being ridiculous.
SINDONOLOGISTSsindonologists n. Plural of sindonologist.
SINDONOLOGIST n. an expert on the Turin shroud.
SLIPSHODDINESSslipshoddiness n. Synonym of slipshodness.
SLIPSHODDINESS n. the state of being slipshod.
SOLIFIDIANISMSSOLIFIDIANISM n. the doctrine that faith alone will ensure salvation.
SUICIDOLOGISTSsuicidologists n. Plural of suicidologist.
SUICIDOLOGIST n. a student of suicidology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 67 words
  • Scrabble in French: 115 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 82 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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