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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing D, I, M, N, O, P and 2S

ANTISPASMODICantispasmodic adj. (Pharmacology) Referring to something that suppresses spasms, generally a drug.
antispasmodic n. (Pharmacology) A drug that suppresses spasms.
ANTISPASMODIC n. an agent capable of preventing or relieving spasms or convulsions.
DECOMPRESSINGdecompressing v. Present participle of decompress.
DECOMPRESS v. to release from pressure or compression.
DECOMPRESSIONdecompression n. The process of decompressing.
decompression n. The restoration to atmospheric pressure of a person who has spent time under higher pressure (such as a diver).
decompression n. A mode of operation of some internal combustion engines which reduces the engine’s compression ratio…
DISIMPRISONEDdisimprisoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of disimprison.
DISIMPRISON v. to free from prison or restraint.
ENDOMORPHISMSendomorphisms n. Plural of endomorphism.
ENDOMORPHISM n. metamorphism of cooling igneous rock; mapping a set into itself.
IMPASSIONEDLYimpassionedly adv. In an impassioned manner.
IMPASSIONED adv. IMPASSION, to arouse the passions of.
MISPOSITIONEDmispositioned adj. Wrongly positioned.
MISPOSITION v. to position wrongly.
OMBUDSMANSHIPombudsmanship n. The position or office of an ombudsman.
OMBUDSMANSHIP n. the office of ombudsman.
PALINDROMISTSpalindromists n. Plural of palindromist.
PALINDROMIST n. one who composes palindromes.
POLYDEMONISMSPOLYDEMONISM n. the belief in and worship of numerous supernatural powers, also POLYDAEMONISM.
POSTMODERNISMpostmodernism n. Any style in art, architecture, literature, philosophy, etc., that reacts against an earlier modernist movement.
postmodernism n. An attitude of skepticism or irony toward modernist ideologies, often questioning the assumptions of…
POSTMODERNISM n. a movement succeeding modernism.
POSTMODERNISTpostmodernist adj. Postmodern.
postmodernist n. An advocate or follower of postmodernism.
POSTMODERNIST n. a follower of postmodernism.
PREADMISSIONSpreadmissions adj. Before an admissions process.
PREADMISSION n. the act of preadmitting.
PREADMONISHESpreadmonishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preadmonish.
PREADMONISH v. to admonish in advance.
PROPAGANDISMSpropagandisms n. Plural of propagandism.
PROPAGANDISM n. the practice of propagating tenets or principles.
SEMIDEPONENTSsemideponents n. Plural of semideponent.
semi-deponents n. Plural of semi-deponent.
SEMIDEPONENT n. a semideponent verb.
SULPHONAMIDESsulphonamides n. Plural of sulphonamide.
SULPHONAMIDE n. an organic amide of a sulphonic acid; specifically any of the drugs derived from sulphanilamide.
SUPERKINGDOMSsuperkingdoms n. Plural of superkingdom.
SUPERKINGDOM n. a taxonomical classification comprising several kingdoms.
SWORDSMANSHIPswordsmanship n. The skill of using a sword.
SWORDSMANSHIP n. the skills of the swordsman.
UNIMPASSIONEDunimpassioned adj. Not impassioned; lacking passion; without emotion.
UNIMPASSIONED adj. not impassioned.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 89 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 88 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 52 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 7 words

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