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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing D, 4I, N, O and S

DIGITISATIONSdigitisations n. Plural of digitisation.
DIGITISATION n. the process of making digital, also DIGITIZATION.
DIGITIZATIONSdigitizations n. Plural of digitization.
DIGITIZATION n. the process of making digital, also DIGITISATION.
DISINHIBITIONdisinhibition n. A lack or loss of inhibition.
DISINHIBITION n. the removal of inhibitions controlling normal behaviour.
DISINHIBITORSdisinhibitors n. Plural of disinhibitor.
DISINHIBITORYdisinhibitory adj. That disinhibits.
disinhibitory adj. Of, or relating to a disinhibitor.
DISINHIBITORY adj. serving to disinhibit.
DISQUISITIONSdisquisitions n. Plural of disquisition.
DISQUISITION n. a carefully argued examination of a topic.
DISSIMILATIONdissimilation n. The act of dissimilating, of making dissimilar.
dissimilation n. (Phonology) A phenomenon whereby similar consonant or vowel sounds in a word become less similar, resulting…
dissimilation n. Misspelling of dissimulation.
DIVINISATIONSdivinisations n. Plural of divinisation.
DIVINISATION n. the process of divinising, also DIVINIZATION.
DIVINIZATIONSdivinizations n. Plural of divinization.
DIVINIZATION n. the process of divinizing, also DIVINISATION.
INDISPOSITIONindisposition n. A mild illness, the state of being indisposed.
indisposition n. A state of not being disposed to do something; disinclination; unwillingness.
indisposition n. A bad mood or disposition.
INDISTINCTIONindistinction n. The fact of not distinguishing or making distinctions; failure to perceive or make a difference.
indistinction n. The condition or fact of not being distinct or different; absence of distinguishing qualities or characteristics;…
indistinction n. (Obsolete) Indistinctness, obscurity, dimness.
INTIMIDATIONSintimidations n. Plural of intimidation.
INTIMIDATION n. the act of intimidating.
NIDIFICATIONSnidifications n. Plural of nidification.
NIDIFICATION n. the act, process or technique of building a nest.
PIDGINISATIONpidginisation n. Alternative form of pidginization.
PIDGINISATION n. the process of pidginising, also PIDGINIZATION.
SOLIFIDIANISMsolifidianism n. The beliefs or doctrines of the solifidians.
SOLIFIDIANISM n. the doctrine that faith alone will ensure salvation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 53 words
  • Scrabble in French: 30 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 129 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 57 words

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