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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing D, I, N, O, P, R and 2S

ADSORPTIONSadsorptions n. Plural of adsorption.
ADSORPTION n. the adhering of atoms or molecules of gases, liquids, or solutes to exposed surfaces (usually of solids).
DEPRESSIONSdepressions n. Plural of depression.
DEPRESSION n. a pressing down.
DESORPTIONSdesorptions n. Plural of desorption.
DESORPTION n. release from an adsorbed state.
DISIMPRISONdisimprison v. (Transitive) To free or release from a state of imprisonment.
DISIMPRISON v. to free from prison or restraint.
DISPENSATORdispensator n. A distributor; a person who dispenses.
DISPENSATOR n. a dispenser, a distributor.
DISPERSIONSdispersions n. Plural of dispersion.
DISPERSION n. the act of dispersing.
DISPRISONEDdisprisoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of disprison.
DISPRISON v. to let loose from prison, to set at liberty.
DISRUPTIONSdisruptions n. Plural of disruption.
DISRUPTION n. the act of disrupting.
DYSTROPHINSdystrophins n. Plural of dystrophin.
DYSTROPHIN n. a protein essential to normal muscle function, found to be lacking in muscular dystrophy sufferers.
ISOPRENOIDSisoprenoids n. Plural of isoprenoid.
ISOPRENOID n. a type of chemical compound, featuring a hydrocarbon of the terpene group.
PREDNISONESprednisones n. Plural of prednisone.
PREDNISONE n. a drug similar to cortisone, used as an anti-inflammatory, also PREDNISOLONE.
PYRANOSIDESpyranosides n. Plural of pyranoside.
PYRANOSIDE n. a glycoside containing the pyran ring.
REDISPOSINGredisposing v. Present participle of redispose.
REDISPOSE v. to dispose anew or again.
SAUROPSIDANsauropsidan n. (Zoology) Any member of the Sauropsida.
SAUROPSIDAN n. a member of the Sauropsida, one of the main divisions of Vertebrata including birds and reptiles.
SCORPAENIDSscorpaenids n. Plural of scorpaenid.
SCORPAENID n. any fish of the family Scorpaenidae, spiny-finned marine fish with large armoured heads.
SPINSTERDOMspinsterdom n. The state of being a spinster.
spinsterdom n. The world or sphere of spinsters.
SPINSTERDOM n. the state of being a spinster, also SPINSTERHOOD, SPINSTERSHIP.
SPOONDRIFTSspoondrifts n. Plural of spoondrift.
spoon-drifts n. Plural of spoon-drift.
SPOONDRIFT n. the ocean spray which is blown by the wind, also SPINDRIFT.
SPRINGWOODSspringwoods n. Plural of springwood.
SPRINGWOOD n. secondary wood formed in spring and early summer.
TOPDRESSINGtopdressing v. Present participle of topdress.
topdressing n. The covering of a surface with loose material; especially the covering of newly-sown seeds with a light…
top-dressing v. Present participle of top-dress.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: 37 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 38 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 44 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 7 words

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