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There are 20 words containing D, H, M, N, O, 2S and T

ADMONISHMENTSadmonishments n. Plural of admonishment.
ADMONISHMENT n. a firm rebuke.
CHONDROMATOSESCHONDROMATOSIS n. a condition in which benign tumours made up of cartilage cells form in the bones.
CHONDROMATOSISchondromatosis n. (Pathology) The formation of multiple chondromas.
CHONDROMATOSIS n. a condition in which benign tumours made up of cartilage cells form in the bones.
COMMANDANTSHIPScommandantships n. Plural of commandantship.
COMMANDANTSHIP n. the office of commandant.
DEHUMANISATIONSdehumanisations n. Plural of dehumanisation.
DEHUMANISATION n. the process of dehumanising, also DEHUMANIZATION.
DEMOLISHMENTSdemolishments n. Plural of demolishment.
DEMOLISHMENT n. the act of demolishing.
DEXAMETHASONESdexamethasones n. Plural of dexamethasone.
DEXAMETHASONE n. a synthetic glucocorticoid used esp. as an anti-inflammatory agent.
DICHOTOMOUSNESSdichotomousness n. The quality of being dichotomous.
DICHOTOMOUS n. forking into two equal branches.
ENDOTHERMISMSENDOTHERMISM n. the formation of a chemical compound with the absorption of heat.
HANDSOMESThandsomest adj. Superlative form of handsome: most handsome.
HANDSOME adj. attractive.
HOMESTANDShomestands n. Plural of homestand.
HOMESTAND n. a series of games played at a team's home ground.
HOMESTEADINGSHOMESTEADING n. (US) a scheme by which people are permitted to buy, or live rent-free in, semi-derelict buildings and improve them with the help of Government grants, etc.
HYMNODISTShymnodists n. Plural of hymnodist.
HYMNODIST n. a person who composes hymns, also HYMNIST.
HYPERMODERNISTShypermodernists n. Plural of hypermodernist.
HYPERMODERNIST n. a practitioner of a hypermodernist style in art.
METHODICALNESSmethodicalness n. The property of being methodical.
METHODICAL n. arranged, characterized by, or performed with method or order, also METHODIC.
OPENMOUTHEDNESSOPENMOUTHEDNESS n. the state of being openmouthed.
OUTDOORSMANSHIPoutdoorsmanship n. Skill in, or fondness for, outdoor pursuits or sports.
OUTDOORSMANSHIP n. the craft of the outdoorsman.
RHABDOMANTISTSrhabdomantists n. Plural of rhabdomantist.
RHABDOMANTIST n. one who practices divination by means of a rod to locate underground water; a dowser.
THUNDERSTORMSthunderstorms n. Plural of thunderstorm.
THUNDERSTORM n. a storm featuring thunder.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 575 words
  • Scrabble in French: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 25 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 4 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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