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There are 17 words containing D, H, I, N, O, 2R and U

DISHONOURERdishonourer n. One who dishonours.
DISHONOURER n. one who dishonours, also DISHONORER.
ROUGHDRYINGroughdrying v. Present participle of roughdry.
ROUGHDRY v. to dry without ironing, as washed clothes.
DISHONOURERSdishonourers n. Plural of dishonourer.
DISHONOURER n. one who dishonours, also DISHONORER.
UNDERNOURISHundernourish v. (Transitive) To provide with insufficient nourishment.
UNDERNOURISH v. to nourish insufficiently.
GROUNDSHARINGgroundsharing v. Present participle of groundshare.
GROUNDSHARE v. to share a sports stadium with another team.
OVERNOURISHEDovernourished adj. Excessively nourished.
overnourished adj. (Often euphemistic) Overweight.
OVERNOURISH v. to nourish excessively.
PERICHONDRIUMperichondrium n. (Anatomy) a dense layer of fibrous connective tissue surrounding the cartilage of developing bone.
PERICHONDRIUM n. a fibrous membrane covering cartilage except at joints.
UNDERTHROWINGunderthrowing v. Present participle of underthrow.
CHONDROCRANIUMchondrocranium n. (Anatomy) The developing skull, composed of cartilage, of an embryo before ossification.
CHONDROCRANIUM n. the cartilaginous parts of an embryonic cranium.
DURCHKOMPONIRTDURCHKOMPONIRT adj. (German) having the music especially adapted to each stanza, also DURCHKOMPONIERT.
UNDERNOURISHEDundernourished adj. Provided with insufficient nourishment to sustain proper health and growth.
UNDERNOURISH v. to nourish insufficiently.
UNDERNOURISHESundernourishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of undernourish.
UNDERNOURISH v. to nourish insufficiently.
CHONDROCRANIUMSCHONDROCRANIUM n. the cartilaginous parts of an embryonic cranium.
DRAUGHTPROOFINGdraughtproofing n. The material which is used to make something draughtproof.
draughtproofing n. The act of making something draughtproof.
draughtproofing v. Present participle of draughtproof.
DURCHKOMPONIERTDURCHKOMPONIERT adj. (German) having the music especially adapted to each stanza, also DURCHKOMPONIRT.
HYPERPRODUCTIONhyperproduction n. Excessive production.
HYPERPRODUCTION n. excessive production.
UNDERNOURISHINGundernourishing v. Present participle of undernourish.
UNDERNOURISH v. to nourish insufficiently.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 647 words
  • Scrabble in French: 32 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 26 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 20 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 60 words

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