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There are 17 words containing D, 2H, P, 2R and 2S

ARCHPRIESTHOODSarchpriesthoods n. Plural of archpriesthood.
ARCHPRIESTHOOD n. the office of archpriest.
HARPSICHORDISTharpsichordist n. One who plays the harpsichord.
HARPSICHORDIST n. one who plays the harpsichord.
HARPSICHORDISTSharpsichordists n. Plural of harpsichordist.
HARPSICHORDIST n. one who plays the harpsichord.
HARPSICHORDSharpsichords n. Plural of harpsichord.
HARPSICHORD n. a keyboard instrument with horizontal strings that run perpendicular to the keyboard in a long tapering case and are plucked by points of quill, leather, or plastic operated by depressing the keys.
HYDRONEPHROSEShydronephroses n. Plural of hydronephrosis.
HYDRONEPHROSIS n. distension of the kidney with urine held up as a result of obstruction in the urinary tract.
HYDRONEPHROSIShydronephrosis n. (Pathology) distension of the kidneys due to obstruction in the flow of urine.
HYDRONEPHROSIS n. distension of the kidney with urine held up as a result of obstruction in the urinary tract.
HYDROSPHEREShydrospheres n. Plural of hydrosphere.
HYDROSPHERE n. the water of the earth.
HYDROSULPHUROUSHYDROSULPHUROUS adj. as in hydrosulphurous acid.
HYDROTHERAPISTShydrotherapists n. Plural of hydrotherapist.
HYDROTHERAPIST n. a practitioner of hydrotherapy.
HYPERHIDROSEShyperhidroses n. Plural of hyperhidrosis.
HYPERHIDROSIS n. excessive sweating, also HYPERIDROSIS.
HYPERHIDROSIShyperhidrosis n. (Pathology) A medical condition with the primary symptom of excessive sweating, in excess of that required…
HYPERHIDROSIS n. excessive sweating, also HYPERIDROSIS.
HYPERHYDROSESSorry, definition not available.
HYPERHYDROSIShyperhydrosis n. Misspelling of hyperhidrosis.
HYPERHYDROSISESSorry, definition not available.
RADIOPHOSPHORUSradiophosphorus n. Radioactive phosphorus (especially when used as a tracer).
RADIOPHOSPHORUS n. a radioactive isotope of phosphorus.
RHABDOSPHERESrhabdospheres n. Plural of rhabdosphere.
RHABDOSPHERE n. an aggregation of rhabdoliths in oceanic ooze.
SHEEPHERDERSsheepherders n. Plural of sheepherder.
SHEEPHERDER n. a worker in charge of sheep esp. on open range.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 137 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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