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There are 19 words containing D, G, N, R, S, T and 2U

GROUNDNUTSgroundnuts n. Plural of groundnut.
GROUNDNUT n. the peanut or monkey-nut.
GROUNDOUTSgroundouts n. Plural of groundout.
ground␣outs n. Plural of ground out.
GROUNDOUT n. a play in baseball in which a batter is given out after hitting a grounder to an infielder.
SUBTRUDINGsubtruding v. Present participle of subtrude.
SUBTRUDE v. to push in stealthily.
GROUNDBURSTgroundburst n. The explosion of a bomb dropped from the air when it hits the ground.
GROUNDBURST n. the detonation of a nuclear warhead at ground level.
GROUNDBURSTSgroundbursts n. Plural of groundburst.
GROUNDBURST n. the detonation of a nuclear warhead at ground level.
UNDERBUDGETSunderbudgets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underbudget.
UNDERBUDGET v. to allow too low a budget.
UNDISTURBINGundisturbing adj. Not disturbing.
UNDISTURBING adj. not disturbing.
DESULFURATINGdesulfurating v. Present participle of desulfurate.
DESULFURATE v. to remove the sulphur from.
UNDERSTUDYINGunderstudying v. Present participle of understudy.
UNDERSTUDY v. to act another's part or take over another's duties.
DESULPHURATINGdesulphurating v. Present participle of desulphurate.
DESULPHURATE v. to remove sulphur from.
SUBINTRODUCINGSUBINTRODUCE v. to bring in surreptitiously or subtly.
UNDERGRADUATESundergraduates n. Plural of undergraduate.
UNDERGRADUATE n. a student at a college or university who has not received a first and esp. a bachelor's degree.
UNDERTHRUSTINGunderthrusting v. Present participle of underthrust.
UNDERTHRUST v. to insert (a faulted rock mass) into position under a passive rock mass.
UNDERUTILISINGunderutilising v. Present participle of underutilise.
UNDERUTILISE v. to utilize less than fully, also UNDERUTILIZE.
AUTODESTRUCTINGautodestructing v. Present participle of autodestruct.
AUTODESTRUCT v. to self-destruct.
CURMUDGEONLIESTcurmudgeonliest adj. Superlative form of curmudgeonly: most curmudgeonly.
CURMUDGEONLY adj. like a curmudgeon.
SECUNDOGENITUREsecundogeniture n. The condition of being secondborn.
secundogeniture n. A right of inheritance belonging to a second son.
secundogeniture n. A property or possession so inherited.
SUPERCONDUCTINGsuperconducting adj. Exhibiting superconductivity.
SUPERCONDUCT v. to exhibit superconductivity.
UNDERGRADUETTESundergraduettes n. Plural of undergraduette.
UNDERGRADUETTE n. a female undergraduate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 294 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 12 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 12 words

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