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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing D, G, I, 2N, 2O and T

ANTIODONTALGICSantiodontalgics n. Plural of antiodontalgic.
ANTIODONTALGIC n. a drug used to alleviate toothache.
COUNTERORDERINGcounterordering v. Present participle of counterorder.
COUNTERORDER v. to issue an order contradicting a previous order.
DEHYDROGENATIONdehydrogenation n. (Chemistry) Any reaction or process in which hydrogen is removed from a substance, especially the production…
DEHYDROGENATION n. the removal of hydrogen from a chemical compound.
DIAGONALISATIONdiagonalisation n. (UK) In matrix algebra, the process of converting a square matrix into a diagonal matrix, usually to…
DIAGONALISATION n. the act of diagonalising, also DIAGONALIZATION.
DIAGONALIZATIONdiagonalization n. US spelling of diagonalisation.
DIAGONALIZATION n. the act of diagonalizing, also DIAGONALISATION.
DISORGANISATIONdisorganisation n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of disorganization.
DISORGANISATION n. the process of disorganising, also DISORGANIZATION.
DISORGANIZATIONdisorganization n. The act of disorganizing; destruction of system.
disorganization n. The state of being disorganized.
DISORGANIZATION n. the act of disorganizing, also DISORGANISATION.
DOWNREGULATIONSdownregulations n. Plural of downregulation.
DOWNREGULATION n. the process of reducing or suppressing a response to a stimulus.
ENDOCRINOLOGISTendocrinologist n. A person who is skilled at, or practices, endocrinology.
ENDOCRINOLOGIST n. one who studies endocrinology.
HYDROGENISATIONhydrogenisation n. Alternative form of hydrogenization.
HYDROGENISATION n. the process of hydrogenising, also HYDROGENIZATION.
HYDROGENIZATIONhydrogenization n. Alternative form of hydrogenation.
HYDROGENIZATION n. the process of hydrogenizing, also HYDROGENISATION.
MONOPHTHONGISEDmonophthongised v. Simple past tense and past participle of monophthongise.
MONOPHTHONGISE v. to pronounce as a monophthong, also MONOPHTHONGIZE.
MONOPHTHONGIZEDmonophthongized v. Simple past tense and past participle of monophthongize.
MONOPHTHONGIZE v. to pronounce as a monophthong, also MONOPHTHONGISE.
NONDOGMATICALLYSorry, definition not available.
OVERDISCOUNTINGoverdiscounting v. Present participle of overdiscount.
OVERDISCOUNT v. to discount excessively.
OVERDOCUMENTINGoverdocumenting v. Present participle of overdocument.
OVERDOCUMENT v. to document to excess.
PHOTOCONDUCTINGphotoconducting adj. Synonym of photoconductive.
PHOTOCONDUCTING adj. relating to, or showing, photoconductivity.
PRECONDITIONINGpreconditioning v. Present participle of precondition.
preconditioning n. The act of preparing something for a subsequent action.
PRECONDITION v. to put in a proper or desired condition or frame of mind esp. in preparation.
RECONSOLIDATINGreconsolidating v. Present participle of reconsolidate.
RECONSOLIDATE v. to consolidate again.
UNACCOMMODATINGunaccommodating adj. Not accommodating.
UNACCOMMODATING adj. not accommodating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 175 words
  • Scrabble in French: 25 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 32 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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