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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing D, G, 2N, O, R and 2S

BILDUNGSROMANSbildungsromans n. Plural of bildungsroman.
Bildungsromans n. Plural of Bildungsroman.
BILDUNGSROMAN n. (German) a psychological novel dealing with the early moral development of the protagonist.
BRASSFOUNDINGSBRASSFOUNDING n. the craft of casting objects in brass.
CHONDROGENESESchondrogeneses n. Plural of chondrogenesis.
CHONDROGENESIS n. the production of cartilage.
CHONDROGENESISchondrogenesis n. (Biology) The formation and development of cartilage.
CHONDROGENESIS n. the production of cartilage.
DISENSHROUDINGdisenshrouding v. Present participle of disenshroud.
DISENSHROUD v. to divest of a shroud.
DISGARRISONINGdisgarrisoning v. Present participle of disgarrison.
DISGARRISON v. to deprive of a garrison.
DISHARMONISINGdisharmonising v. Present participle of disharmonise.
DISHARMONISE v. to put out of harmony, also DISHARMONIZE.
DISIMPRISONINGdisimprisoning v. Present participle of disimprison.
DISIMPRISON v. to free from prison or restraint.
FORBIDDINGNESSforbiddingness n. The quality of being forbidding.
FORBIDDINGNESS n. the state of being forbidding.
FOREBODINGNESSforebodingness n. The quality of being foreboding.
FOREBODINGNESS n. the state of being foreboding.
GROUNDLESSNESSgroundlessness n. The state or condition of being groundless.
GROUNDLESS n. having no ground or foundation.
HEADSTRONGNESSheadstrongness n. The property of being headstrong, stubbornness.
HEADSTRONGNESS n. the state of being headstrong.
PENDRAGONSHIPSPENDRAGONSHIP n. the office of pendragon.
PROSTAGLANDINSprostaglandins n. Plural of prostaglandin.
PROSTAGLANDIN n. any of a group of chemical substances secreted by various parts of the body into the bloodstream and found to have a wide range of effects on the body processes, e.g. on muscle contraction.
SCANDALMONGERSscandalmongers n. Plural of scandalmonger.
SCANDALMONGER n. one who spreads scandal.
SOUNDPROOFINGSsoundproofings n. Plural of soundproofing.
SOUNDPROOFING n. insulation to obstruct the passage of sound.
UNDERDIAGNOSESunderdiagnoses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underdiagnose.
UNDERDIAGNOSISunderdiagnosis n. (Medicine) The failure to diagnose a condition in a significant proportion of patients.
UNGROUNDEDNESSungroundedness n. Quality of being ungrounded.
UNGROUNDEDNESS n. the state of being ungrounded.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 79 words
  • Scrabble in French: 38 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 9 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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