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There are 18 words containing D, F, 3I, O, T and U

DEMULSIFICATIONdemulsification n. The breaking up of an emulsion.
DEMULSIFICATION n. the act of demulsifying.
DIFFUSIONISTdiffusionist adj. Of or pertaining to diffusionism.
diffusionist n. A proponent of diffusionism.
DIFFUSIONIST n. an anthropologist who emphasizes the role of diffusion in the history of culture rather than independent invention or discovery.
DIFFUSIONISTSdiffusionists n. Plural of diffusionist.
DIFFUSIONIST n. an anthropologist who emphasizes the role of diffusion in the history of culture rather than independent invention or discovery.
DISFIGURATIONdisfiguration n. The act of disfiguring, spoiling the appearance of something or someone; the state of being disfigured.
DISFIGURATION n. the act of disfiguring.
DISFIGURATIONSdisfigurations n. Plural of disfiguration.
DISFIGURATION n. the act of disfiguring.
DULCIFICATIONdulcification n. The act of dulcifying or sweetening.
DULCIFICATION n. the act of dulcifying.
DULCIFICATIONSdulcifications n. Plural of dulcification.
DULCIFICATION n. the act of dulcifying.
FLUIDISATIONfluidisation n. Alternative form of fluidization.
FLUIDISATION n. the process of fluidising, also FLUIDIZATION.
FLUIDISATIONSfluidisations n. Plural of fluidisation.
FLUIDISATION n. the process of fluidising, also FLUIDIZATION.
FLUIDIZATIONfluidization n. The act or process of fluidizing.
FLUIDIZATION n. the act of fluidizing, also FLUIDISATION.
FLUIDIZATIONSfluidizations n. Plural of fluidization.
FLUIDIZATION n. the act of fluidizing, also FLUIDISATION.
HUMIDIFICATIONhumidification n. The process of increasing the water vapour content of a gas.
HUMIDIFICATION n. the act of humidifying.
HUMIDIFICATIONShumidifications n. Plural of humidification.
HUMIDIFICATION n. the act of humidifying.
IMMUNODEFICIENTimmunodeficient adj. Exhibiting immunodeficiency.
IMMUNODEFICIENT adj. relating to immunodeficiency, deficiency in immune response due to depletion or inactivity of lymphoid cells.
INTERDIFFUSIONinterdiffusion n. The mutual diffusion of two fluids, especially through a membrane.
INTERDIFFUSION n. the process of diffusing and mixing freely so as to approach a homogeneous mixture.
INTERDIFFUSIONSinterdiffusions n. Plural of interdiffusion.
INTERDIFFUSION n. the process of diffusing and mixing freely so as to approach a homogeneous mixture.
MUNDIFICATIONmundification n. The act or operation of cleansing.
MUNDIFICATION n. the act of cleansing, purification.
MUNDIFICATIONSmundifications n. Plural of mundification.
MUNDIFICATION n. the act of cleansing, purification.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 316 words
  • Scrabble in French: 32 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 23 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 86 words

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