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There are 18 words containing D, E, M, 2N, T and 2U

INDUMENTUMindumentum n. (Botany) A surface covering of any kind of trichomes, e.g. hairs, scales.
INDUMENTUM n. (Latin) a total body covering of hair, fur or feathers.
INDUMENTUMSINDUMENTUM n. (Latin) a total body covering of hair, fur or feathers.
MONOUNSATURATEDmonounsaturated adj. (Chemistry, of an organic compound) having a single double or triple bond.
MONOUNSATURATED adj. containing one double or triple bond per molecule.
SUPERINDUCEMENTsuperinducement n. Act or result of superinducing.
SUPERINDUCEMENT n. the act of superinducing.
ULTRAMUNDANEultramundane adj. Extraordinary; abnormal.
ultramundane adj. Extraterrestrial; outside of earth or the universe.
ULTRAMUNDANE adj. situated beyond the world, or beyond the limits of the solar system.
UNAUGMENTEDunaugmented adj. Not augmented.
UNAUGMENTED adj. not augmented.
UNCOMMUNICATEDuncommunicated adj. That has not been communicated.
UNCOMMUNICATED adj. not communicated.
UNCONSUMMATEDunconsummated adj. Not consummated.
UNCONSUMMATED adj. not consummated.
UNDERTRUMPINGundertrumping v. Present participle of undertrump.
UNDERTRUMP v. to play a lower trump on a trick to which a higher trump has already been played.
UNDOCUMENTEDundocumented adj. Lacking instructions or reference material.
undocumented adj. Not having official documents that provide identification, authorization, etc.
undocumented n. (Informal) Synonym of undocumented immigrant.
UNILLUMINATEDunilluminated adj. Not illuminated.
UNILLUMINATED adj. not illuminated.
UNIMPORTUNEDunimportuned adj. Not importuned.
UNIMPORTUNED adj. not importuned.
UNMANIPULATEDunmanipulated adj. Not manipulated.
UNMANIPULATED adj. not manipulated.
UNMANUFACTUREDunmanufactured adj. Not manufactured.
UNMANUFACTURED adj. not manufactured.
UNMOUNTEDunmounted v. Simple past tense and past participle of unmount.
unmounted adj. Not mounted (in various senses).
UNMOUNT v. to dismount.
UNMUNITIONEDunmunitioned adj. Not supplied with munitions.
UNMUNITIONED adj. not munitioned.
UNTRANSMUTEDuntransmuted adj. Not transmuted.
UNTRANSMUTED adj. not transmuted.
UNTREMENDOUSuntremendous adj. Not tremendous.
UNTREMENDOUS adj. not tremendous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 273 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 11 words
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 46 words

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