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There are 20 words containing D, E, I, 2N, Q, T and U

ANTIQUATEDNESSantiquatedness n. The state or quality of being antiquated.
ANTIQUATEDNESS n. the state of being antiquated.
DELINQUENTdelinquent adj. Late or failing to pay a debt or other financial obligation, like a mortgage or loan.
delinquent adj. Failing in or neglectful of a duty or obligation; guilty of a misdeed or offense.
delinquent n. One who disobeys or breaks rules or laws, or who acts against another’s wishes.
DELINQUENTLYdelinquently adv. In a delinquent manner.
DELINQUENT adv. failing in duty; of or concerning a bad debt or debtor.
DELINQUENTSdelinquents n. Plural of delinquent.
DELINQUENT n. an offender, esp. a young criminal.
DISQUIETENINGdisquietening v. Present participle of disquieten.
DISQUIETEN v. to make disquiet, anxious.
EQUIPONDERANTequiponderant adj. (Obsolete) Having equal weight.
EQUIPONDERANT adj. evenly balanced.
EQUIPONDERATINGequiponderating v. Present participle of equiponderate.
EQUIPONDERATE v. to be equal in weight; to balance.
GRANDILOQUENTgrandiloquent adj. (Of a person, their language or writing) Given to using language in a showy way by using an excessive…
GRANDILOQUENTLYgrandiloquently adv. Showing grandiloquence.
INADEQUATENESSinadequateness n. Inadequacy.
INADEQUATE n. not adequate.
INQUINATEDinquinated v. Simple past tense and past participle of inquinate.
INQUINATE v. to corrupt or defile.
NONDELINQUENTnondelinquent n. One who is not a delinquent.
NONDELINQUENT n. one who is not a delinquent.
NONDELINQUENTSnondelinquents n. Plural of nondelinquent.
NONDELINQUENT n. one who is not a delinquent.
QUARANTINEDquarantined v. Simple past tense and past participle of quarantine.
quarantined adj. In quarantine; isolated.
QUARANTINE v. to detain in or exclude by quarantine.
UNACQUAINTEDunacquainted adj. Not acquainted, unfamiliar (with someone or something).
unacquainted adj. (Obsolete) Not usual; unfamiliar; strange.
UNACQUAINTED adj. not acquainted.
UNDERQUOTINGunderquoting v. Present participle of underquote.
UNDERQUOTE v. to offer at a price lower than.
UNQUANTIFIEDunquantified adj. Not quantified (in any sense).
UNQUANTIFIED adj. not quantified.
UNQUANTISEDunquantised adj. Alternative form of unquantized.
UNQUANTISED adj. not quantised, also UNQUANTIZED.
UNQUANTIZEDunquantized adj. Not quantized.
UNQUANTIZED adj. not quantized, also UNQUANTISED.
UNQUESTIONEDunquestioned adj. (Of a person) Not subjected to an interrogation.
unquestioned adj. (Of a fact) Accepted without question; indisputable.
UNQUESTIONED adj. not questioned.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 265 words
  • Scrabble in French: 130 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 30 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 46 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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