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There are 17 words containing D, E, H, I, N, O, S and V

DOVISHNESSdovishness n. The state, quality, or condition of being dovish.
dovishness n. (Politics) The condition of being a dove, as opposed to a hawk.
DOVISHNESS n. the state of being dovish, like a dove, also DOVEISHNESS.
WINDHOVERSwindhovers n. Plural of windhover.
WINDHOVER n. the kestrel.
DOVEISHNESSDOVEISHNESS n. the state of being doveish, like a dove, also DOVISHNESS.
NONADHESIVEnonadhesive adj. Not adhesive.
NONADHESIVE adj. not adhesive.
NOVICEHOODSNOVICEHOOD n. the state of being a novice.
OVERSHADINGovershading v. Present participle of overshade.
OVERSHADE v. to cover with shade.
VIDEOPHONESvideophones n. Plural of videophone.
VIDEOPHONE n. a telephone equipped for transmission of video as well as audio signals so that users can see each other.
DOVISHNESSESDOVISHNESS n. the state of being dovish, like a dove, also DOVEISHNESS.
OVERFINISHEDoverfinished adj. Of animals reared for meat: obese; undesirably fat.
OVERFINISHED adj. excessively finished.
SLAVEHOLDINGslaveholding adj. Having possession/ownership of one or more slaves.
slaveholding n. (Uncountable) The institution or practice of owning slaves.
slaveholding n. (Countable) An owning of one or more slaves.
DOVEISHNESSESDOVEISHNESS n. the state of being doveish, like a dove, also DOVISHNESS.
OVERNOURISHEDovernourished adj. Excessively nourished.
overnourished adj. (Often euphemistic) Overweight.
OVERNOURISH v. to nourish excessively.
OVERSHADOWINGovershadowing v. Present participle of overshadow.
overshadowing n. A dominating shadow or malign influence.
OVERSHADOW v. to cast a shadow over.
SLAVEHOLDINGSslaveholdings n. Plural of slaveholding.
SLAVEHOLDING n. the keeping of slaves.
OVERSCHEDULINGoverscheduling v. Present participle of overschedule.
VIDEOTELEPHONESvideotelephones n. Plural of videotelephone.
VIDEOTELEPHONE n. a telephone with accompanying means of transmitting a picture of each speaker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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