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There are 20 words containing D, E, 2H, N, P, R and S

CHONDROPHORESchondrophores n. Plural of chondrophore.
CHONDROPHORE n. a medusoid hydrozoan that resembles a jellyfish.
CHONDROPHORINESCHONDROPHORINE n. a member of the Chondrophora, a suborder of hydrozoans similar to medusae but with a different internal structure.
CHORDOPHONESchordophones n. Plural of chordophone.
CHORDOPHONE n. any instrument in which a string vibrates to produce a sound, including the zither, piano, lute, lyre and harp.
HAPHAZARDNESShaphazardness n. The quality of lacking any predictable order or plan.
HAPHAZARD n. marked by lack of plan, order, or direction.
HAPHAZARDNESSESHAPHAZARDNESS n. HAPHAZARD, marked by lack of plan, order, or direction.
HEPTAHEDRONSheptahedrons n. Plural of heptahedron.
HEPTAHEDRON n. a solid figure having several plane faces.
HYDRONEPHROSEShydronephroses n. Plural of hydronephrosis.
HYDRONEPHROSIS n. distension of the kidney with urine held up as a result of obstruction in the urinary tract.
HYDRONEPHROSIShydronephrosis n. (Pathology) distension of the kidneys due to obstruction in the flow of urine.
HYDRONEPHROSIS n. distension of the kidney with urine held up as a result of obstruction in the urinary tract.
HYDROPHANEShydrophanes n. Plural of hydrophane.
HYDROPHANE n. a semitranslucent variety of opal that becomes translucent or transparent on immersion in water.
HYDROPHONEShydrophones n. Plural of hydrophone.
HYDROPHONE n. an apparatus for listening to sounds conveyed by water.
HYPOCHONDRIASEShypochondriases n. Plural of hypochondriasis.
HYPOCHONDRIASIS n. morbid concern about one's health esp. when accompanied by delusions of physical disease.
RHODOPHANESRHODOPHANE n. the red pigment contained in the inner segments of the cones of the retina in animals.
SHEEPHERDINGsheepherding n. The activity of herding sheep.
SHEEPHERDING n. looking after sheep.
SHEPHERDINGshepherding v. Present participle of shepherd.
shepherding n. The herding of sheep.
shepherding n. The act of one who shepherds or guides.
SHEPHERDINGSshepherdings n. Plural of shepherding.
SHEPHERDING n. the act of watching over carefully.
SHEPHERDLINGshepherdling n. (Poetic, archaic) A little shepherd.
SHEPHERDLING n. a little shepherd.
SHEPHERDLINGSshepherdlings n. Plural of shepherdling.
SHEPHERDLING n. a little shepherd.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 434 words
  • Scrabble in French: 34 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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