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There are 17 words containing D, E, G, O, P, S and 2T

APOTHEGMATISEDapothegmatised v. Simple past tense and past participle of apothegmatise.
APOTHEGMATISE v. to speak in apothegms, also APOTHEGMATIZE.
DAGUERREOTYPISTdaguerreotypist n. A person who makes daguerreotypes.
DAGUERREOTYPIST n. one who practises daguerreotyping, also DAGUERREOTYPER.
DEPHLOGISTICATEdephlogisticate v. To take away the phlogiston, i.e. ability to burn, which is now understood to be chemically impossible.
DEPHLOGISTICATE v. to make something fireproof.
DEPIGMENTATIONSdepigmentations n. Plural of depigmentation.
DEPIGMENTATION n. loss of normal pigmentation.
DITTOGRAPHIESdittographies n. Plural of dittography.
DITTOGRAPHY n. the unintentional repetition of letters in print.
EPIGLOTTIDESepiglottides n. Plural of epiglottis.
EPIGLOTTIS n. a cartilaginous flap over the glottis.
PHLOGISTICATEDphlogisticated adj. (Obsolete, chemistry) Containing phlogiston.
phlogisticated v. Simple past tense and past participle of phlogisticate.
PHLOGISTICATE v. to combine with phlogiston.
POSTEDITINGpostediting v. Present participle of postedit.
POSTEDITING n. the act of editing after a piece of writing has been produced or printed by a machine.
POSTEDITINGSPOSTEDITING n. the act of editing after a piece of writing has been produced or printed by a machine.
POSTGRADUATEpostgraduate n. A person continuing to study in a field after having successfully completed a degree course.
postgraduate adj. Of studies which take place after having successfully completed a degree course.
post-graduate adj. Alternative form of postgraduate.
POSTGRADUATESpostgraduates n. Plural of postgraduate.
POSTGRADUATE n. a student continuing formal education after graduation from high school or college.
PRESTIDIGITATORprestidigitator n. One who performs feats of prestidigitation; a sleight-of-hand artist.
PROGLOTTIDESproglottides n. Plural of proglottis.
PROGLOTTID n. a segment of a tapeworm, also PROGLOTTIS.
PROGNOSTICATEDprognosticated v. Simple past tense and past participle of prognosticate.
PROGNOSTICATE v. to foretell from signs or symptoms.
PTERIDOLOGISTpteridologist n. A person who studies ferns and other pteridophytes.
PTERIDOLOGIST n. one who studies pteridology.
PTERIDOLOGISTSpteridologists n. Plural of pteridologist.
PTERIDOLOGIST n. one who studies pteridology.
SPOTLIGHTEDspotlighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of spotlight.
SPOTLIGHT v. to highlight.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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