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There are 16 words containing D, E, F, 2I, M, R and U

HUMIDIFIERhumidifier n. A device that is used to increase the humidity of the air.
HUMIDIFIER n. a device for supplying or maintaining humidity.
DEMULSIFIERdemulsifier n. (Chemistry) Any substance used to break an emulsion into its constituent liquids.
DEMULSIFIER n. an agent to prevent emulsion.
HUMIDIFIERShumidifiers n. Plural of humidifier.
HUMIDIFIER n. a device for supplying or maintaining humidity.
UNMORTIFIEDunmortified adj. Not mortified.
UNMORTIFIED adj. not mortified.
DEHUMIDIFIERdehumidifier n. A device for removing the moisture content from air.
DEHUMIDIFIER n. an apparatus for reducing humidity.
DEMULSIFIERSdemulsifiers n. Plural of demulsifier.
DEMULSIFIER n. an agent to prevent emulsion.
DISCOMFITUREdiscomfiture n. (Obsolete) Defeat in battle.
discomfiture n. An emotional state similar to that arising from defeat; frustration, disappointment, perplexity or embarrassment.
DISCOMFITURE n. the act of discomfiting.
DEHUMIDIFIERSdehumidifiers n. Plural of dehumidifier.
DEHUMIDIFIER n. an apparatus for reducing humidity.
DISCOMFITURESdiscomfitures n. Plural of discomfiture.
DISCOMFITURE n. the act of discomfiting.
DISFIGUREMENTdisfigurement n. The result of disfiguring; the state of being disfigured.
DISFIGUREMENT n. the state of being disfigured.
MULTIRAMIFIEDmultiramified adj. Very much ramified; divided into a complicated system or hierarchy.
MULTIRAMIFIED adj. having many branches.
DIAMANTIFEROUSdiamantiferous adj. Yielding diamonds.
DIAMANTIFEROUS adj. bearing diamonds.
DIAMONDIFEROUSdiamondiferous adj. (Mineralogy) Yielding diamond.
DIAMONDIFEROUS adj. containing diamonds.
DISFIGUREMENTSdisfigurements n. Plural of disfigurement.
DISFIGUREMENT n. the state of being disfigured.
DISFURNISHMENTdisfurnishment n. (Archaic) The act of disfurnishing, or the state of being disfurnished.
DISFURNISHMENT n. the state of being disfurnished.
DISFURNISHMENTSDISFURNISHMENT n. the state of being disfurnished.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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