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There are 18 words containing D, 2E, I, 2N, P and V

ANTIDEVELOPMENTantidevelopment adj. (Politics) Opposed to development, particularly the development of neighborhoods or land.
ANTIDEVELOPMENT adj. opposed to development.
DISENVELOPINGdisenveloping v. Present participle of disenvelop.
DISENVELOP v. to free from that in which a thing is enveloped.
NONDECEPTIVEnondeceptive adj. Not deceptive.
NONDECEPTIVE adj. not deceptive.
NONDESCRIPTIVEnondescriptive adj. Alternative spelling of non-descriptive.
non-descriptive adj. Not descriptive; failing to provide a description.
NONDESCRIPTIVE adj. not descriptive.
NONDISPERSIVEnondispersive adj. Not dispersive.
NONDISPERSIVE adj. not dispersive.
NONREPRODUCTIVEnonreproductive adj. Not able to reproduce; sterile.
nonreproductive adj. Not of or pertaining to reproduction.
nonreproductive n. (Biology) Any creature that cannot reproduce.
OVERDEEPENINGoverdeepening v. Present participle of overdeepen.
overdeepening n. A very deeply eroded portion of a basin or valley.
OVERDEEPENING adj. excessively deepening.
OVEREXPANDINGoverexpanding v. Present participle of overexpand.
OVEREXPAND v. to expand excessively.
OVEROPINIONATEDoveropinionated adj. Excessively opinionated.
OVEROPINIONATED adj. excessively opinionated.
OVERRESPONDINGoverresponding v. Present participle of overrespond.
OVERRESPOND v. to respond excessively.
OVERSPENDINGoverspending v. Present participle of overspend.
overspending n. The spending of too much money.
OVERSPENDING n. excessive spending.
OVERSPENDINGSoverspendings n. Plural of overspending.
OVERSPENDING n. excessive spending.
PENDENTIVEpendentive n. (Architecture) The concave triangular sections of vaulting that provide the transition between a dome…
PENDENTIVE n. one of four spherical triangles formed by a dome springing from a square base.
PENDENTIVESpendentives n. Plural of pendentive.
PENDENTIVE n. one of four spherical triangles formed by a dome springing from a square base.
POLYVINYLIDENEpolyvinylidene n. (Chemistry) Any polymer derived from monomers of general formula CH2=CX2 where X is typically a halogen.
polyvinylidene n. A polyvinylidene resin.
POLYVINYLIDENE n. any polymer derived from halogen monomers.
POLYVINYLIDENESpolyvinylidenes n. Plural of polyvinylidene.
POLYVINYLIDENE n. any polymer derived from halogen monomers.
PROVENDERINGprovendering v. Present participle of provender.
PROVENDER v. to supply with provender.
UNDERDEVELOPINGunderdeveloping v. Present participle of underdevelop.
UNDERDEVELOP v. to develop insufficiently.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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