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There are 18 words containing D, 2E, H, L, M, N and R

COMPREHENDIBLEcomprehendible adj. (Rare) comprehensible, understandable; able to be comprehended.
COMPREHENDIBLE adj. that can be comprehended, also COMPREHENSIBLE.
DICHLOROMETHANEdichloromethane n. (Organic chemistry) The partially halogenated hydrocarbon CH2Cl2 widely used as a solvent.
DICHLOROMETHANE n. a noxious colourless liquid widely used as a solvent, e.g. in paint strippers.
DISENTHRALLMENTdisenthrallment n. Alternative form of disinthrallment.
DISENTHRALLMENT n. the act of disenthralling, also DISENTHRALMENT.
DISENTHRALMENTdisenthralment n. Alternative form of disinthrallment.
DISENTHRALMENT n. the act of disenthralling, also DISENTHRALLMENT.
DISENTHRALMENTSdisenthralments n. Plural of disenthralment.
DISENTHRALMENT n. the act of disenthralling, also DISENTHRALLMENT.
DYSMENORRHEALdysmenorrheal adj. Relating to dysmenorrhea.
DYSMENORRHEAL adj. suffering from dysmenorrhea, painful menstruation, also DYSMENORRHOEAL.
DYSMENORRHOEALdysmenorrhoeal adj. Alternative form of dysmenorrheal.
dysmenorrhœal adj. Obsolete form of dysmenorrheal.
DYSMENORRHOEAL adj. suffering from dysmenorrhoea, painful menstruation, also DYSMENORRHEAL.
ECHINODERMALechinodermal adj. (Zoology) Relating or belonging to the echinoderms.
ECHINODERMAL adj. of or like an echinoderm.
ENDOTHERMALendothermal adj. Endothermic.
ENDOTHERMAL adj. characterized by or formed with absorption of heat, also ENDOTHERMIC.
ENDOTHERMICALLYendothermically adv. In an endothermic manner.
ENDOTHERMIC adv. characterized by or formed with absorption of heat, also ENDOTHERMAL.
HYPERADRENALISMhyperadrenalism n. (Pathology) An excessive level of adrenal hormones in the body.
HYPERADRENALISM n. excessive activity of the adrenal gland.
MERCHILDRENmerchildren n. Plural of merchild.
MERCHILD n. a fish with the body of a child.
SLEDGEHAMMERINGsledgehammering v. Present participle of sledgehammer.
SLEDGEHAMMER v. to strike with a sledgehammer.
UNDERWHELMunderwhelm v. To fail to impress; to perform disappointingly.
UNDERWHELM v. to fail to impress.
UNDERWHELMEDunderwhelmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of underwhelm.
UNDERWHELM v. to fail to impress.
UNDERWHELMINGunderwhelming adj. Failing to interest; not as exciting as promised or expected.
underwhelming v. Present participle of underwhelm.
UNDERWHELM v. to fail to impress.
UNDERWHELMSunderwhelms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underwhelm.
UNDERWHELM v. to fail to impress.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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