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There are 14 words containing D, 2E, 2H, N, O and T

DICHLOROETHANEdichloroethane n. (Chemistry) Either of two isomeric organochlorides with the molecular formula C2H4Cl2: 1,1-dichloroethane…
DICHLOROETHANE n. a colorless toxic liquid compound that is used chiefly as a solvent.
DICHLOROETHANESdichloroethanes n. Plural of dichloroethane.
DICHLOROETHANE n. a colorless toxic liquid compound that is used chiefly as a solvent.
DICHLOROMETHANEdichloromethane n. (Organic chemistry) The partially halogenated hydrocarbon CH2Cl2 widely used as a solvent.
DICHLOROMETHANE n. a noxious colourless liquid widely used as a solvent, e.g. in paint strippers.
HEATHENDOMheathendom n. The state of being heathen.
heathendom n. From one religion’s or creed’s perspective, the rest of the world that does not follow that creed or religion.
heathendom n. (Dated) Specifically, the non-Christian world; territories where Christianity is not the dominant religion.
HEATHENDOMSheathendoms n. Plural of heathendom.
HEATHENDOM n. (archaic) heathenism, also HEATHENESSE, HEATHENISM.
HEPTAHEDRONheptahedron n. (Mathematics) any polyhedron having seven faces.
HEPTAHEDRON n. a solid figure having several plane faces.
HEPTAHEDRONSheptahedrons n. Plural of heptahedron.
HEPTAHEDRON n. a solid figure having several plane faces.
HONEYMONTHEDHONEYMONTH v. (obsolete) to spend one's honeymoon, also HONEYMOON.
HOTHEADEDNESShotheadedness n. The state or characteristic of being hotheaded; the tendency to be easily infuriated or provoked.
hot-headedness n. Alternative spelling of hotheadedness.
HOTHEADED n. rash, impetuous.
THORNHEDGETHORNHEDGE n. a hedge of hawthorn.
THORNHEDGESTHORNHEDGE n. a hedge of hawthorn.
THUNDERSHOWERthundershower n. A rain shower accompanied by thunder and lightning.
THUNDERSHOWER n. a shower accompanied by lightning and thunder.
THUNDERSHOWERSthundershowers n. Plural of thundershower.
THUNDERSHOWER n. a shower accompanied by lightning and thunder.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 1037 words
  • Scrabble in French: 32 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 7 words

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