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There are 18 words containing D, 2E, G, H, 2I and N

INVEIGHEDinveighed v. Simple past tense and past participle of inveigh.
INVEIGH v. to speak violently.
DECIPHERINGdeciphering v. Present participle of decipher.
deciphering n. Decipherment.
DECIPHER v. to interpret from the unknown.
DISHEVELINGdisheveling v. Present participle of dishevel.
DISHEVEL v. to make the hair untidy.
ENSHIELDINGenshielding v. Present participle of enshield.
ENSHIELD v. to defend, as with a shield.
DEPLENISHINGdeplenishing v. Present participle of deplenish.
DEPLENISH v. to deprive of contents, such as furniture, stock, etc.
DISHEVELLINGdishevelling v. Present participle of dishevel.
DISHEVEL v. to make the hair untidy.
EXTINGUISHEDextinguished v. Simple past tense and past participle of extinguish.
extinguished adj. Having been quenched or eliminated.
EXTINGUISH v. to bring to an end.
GUANETHIDINEguanethidine n. (Pharmacology) An antihypertensive drug that reduces the release of catecholamines.
GUANETHIDINE n. a drug used in the treatment of hypertension.
DISHEARTENINGdisheartening adj. Causing a person to lose heart; making despondent or gloomy.
disheartening v. Present participle of dishearten.
DISHEARTEN v. to cause to lose spirit or morale.
GUANETHIDINESguanethidines n. Plural of guanethidine.
GUANETHIDINE n. a drug used in the treatment of hypertension.
UNDERACHIEVINGunderachieving v. Present participle of underachieve.
UNDERACHIEVE v. to achieve less than one's potential.
UNEXTINGUISHEDunextinguished adj. Not extinguished.
UNEXTINGUISHED adj. not extinguished.
DEHYDROGENISINGdehydrogenising v. Present participle of dehydrogenise.
DEHYDROGENISE v. to remove hydrogen from, also DEHYDROGENIZE.
DEHYDROGENIZINGdehydrogenizing v. Present participle of dehydrogenize.
DEHYDROGENIZE v. to remove the hydrogen from, also DEHYDROGENISE.
DISEMBELLISHINGdisembellishing v. Present participle of disembellish.
DISEMBELLISH v. to deprive of embellishment.
DISHEARTENINGLYdishearteningly adv. In a disheartening manner.
DISHEARTENING adv. DISHEARTEN, to cause to lose spirit or morale.
MISAPPREHENDINGmisapprehending v. Present participle of misapprehend.
MISAPPREHEND v. to apprehend wrongly.
TIGHTFISTEDNESStightfistedness n. Reluctance to spend money; miserliness.
TIGHTFISTEDNESS n. the state of being tightfisted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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