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There are 15 words containing D, 3E, I, L, R and W

BEWILDEREDbewildered adj. Baffled, confused, mystified, at a loss, not thinking clearly, or uncertain.
bewildered v. Simple past tense and past participle of bewilder.
BEWILDER v. to confuse.
SILVERWEEDsilverweed n. Any of several species of low-growing flowering plants, the leaves of which are silvery underneath…
silverweed n. The plant Blutaparon vermiculare.
SILVERWEED n. a perennial rosaceous herb having the leaves silvery white beneath.
WEEDKILLERweedkiller n. A chemical agent that destroys unwanted plants (weeds) but not wanted ones (crops etc).
WEEDKILLER n. a chemical preparation or other substance for killing weeds.
WIRELESSEDwirelessed v. Simple past tense and past participle of wireless.
WIRELESS v. to communicate by radio.
SIDEWHEELERsidewheeler n. (Nautical) A vessel (especially a paddle steamer) propelled by a pair of paddle wheels positioned one on each side.
side-wheeler n. Alternative spelling of sidewheeler.
side␣wheeler n. Alternative spelling of sidewheeler.
SILVERWEEDSsilverweeds n. Plural of silverweed.
SILVERWEED n. a perennial rosaceous herb having the leaves silvery white beneath.
WEEDKILLERSweedkillers n. Plural of weedkiller.
WEEDKILLER n. a chemical preparation or other substance for killing weeds.
BEWILDEREDLYbewilderedly adv. In a bewildered manner; with puzzlement.
BEWILDERED adv. BEWILDER, to confuse.
BEWILDERMENTbewilderment n. The state of being bewildered.
bewilderment n. A confusing or perplexing situation.
BEWILDERMENT n. the state of being bewildered.
PICKERELWEEDpickerelweed n. (US) Any of several freshwater plants, of the genus Pontederia, that have heart-shaped leaves.
pickerel␣weed n. Any of the genus Pontederia of tristylous aquatic plants with large waxy leaves, succulent stems, and…
PICKERELWEED n. a shallow-water perennial plant chiefly of the eastern United States and Canada with large leaves and a spike of purplish-blue flowers.
SIDEWHEELERSsidewheelers n. Plural of sidewheeler.
side-wheelers n. Plural of side-wheeler.
side␣wheelers n. Plural of side wheeler.
WILDERNESSESwildernesses n. Plural of wilderness.
wildernesses n. Plural of wildernesse.
WILDERNESS n. a tract or region uncultivated and uninhabited by human beings.
BEWILDERMENTSbewilderments n. Plural of bewilderment.
BEWILDERMENT n. the state of being bewildered.
PICKERELWEEDSpickerelweeds n. Plural of pickerelweed.
pickerel␣weeds n. Plural of pickerel weed.
PICKERELWEED n. a shallow-water perennial plant chiefly of the eastern United States and Canada with large leaves and a spike of purplish-blue flowers.
BEWILDEREDNESSbewilderedness n. The state or quality of being bewildered.
BEWILDEREDNESS n. the state of being bewildered.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 417 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 7 words

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